Shrine Showcase! Mindbreaker & Predator | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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In this shrine showcase, we have a real winning set of killer perks. 2 of the most useless hunks of trash, Predator and Mindbreaker. We’ll showcase these perks on a build and show what they are (but mostly what they aren’t) about so you can decide whether or not you want to spend your hard earned shards on them.

Thumbnail render made by Niina! Check her out here

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27 thoughts on “Shrine Showcase! Mindbreaker & Predator | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. What Bill did at 16:16 was a tech where you tap the gen when you are running away from it. What it's supposed to do is teleport you backwards onto the gen so that the killer either swings forward and misses or at least gets a little confused. The tech can be used if a gen is very close to a window. The survivor can fake the window vault and tap the gen instead. The killer swings at the window, misses, and the survivor can try to get away. I don't know how effective it is but I did see someone pull it off the other day against Otz.

  2. freddy with mindbreaker and dragons grip? with teleport addons ??.
    imagine if demos shred when hitting and injured survivor made him hold them so if you shred at a exit gate they cant get out lol

  3. Why has no one used MindBreaker, Blood Echo, Ruin and Undying on Plague? (that I know of) Last 2 perks are up to you. BE exhausted for 45 seconds after hooking someone, if they hop on a gen MindBreaker will pause that 45 seconds for the duration that you are on the gen and if they hop off they still have to wait 45 seconds without sprinting. I have alot of fun with it.

  4. Tofu have you done a survivor version of this? I think it be fun too. Since I don't play survivor at all. (And I feel like most of it would just be boring cause playing survivor is boring)

  5. @OhTofu…. the idea behind jumping on the gen right before you get hit is like a "Gen Tech" per say. Not sure if it's actually a thing or not… but it's something I've noticed that I've been able to pull off on some killers. If you're right next to a gen the moment you think the killers gonna swing…. hop on the gen and let go and Auto aim makes the killer whack the gen. Great when you run away and hear that clank behind you. Doesn't work all the time… but I've gotten away with it from time to time. So, I mean, if you're going to take the hit anyway… might as well give it a shot right?

  6. The sad thing is that I've heard from many of my friends who are colorblind that Predator makes it…well not easier but in fact POSSIBLE for them to see scratch marks without having to rely on Reshade.

    Who needs options for disabled players when you can just waste a perk slot, ezclap.

  7. Yoyoyoyoyo Tofu. Look, I really think you underestimate this new Mindbreaker. On stealth killers who can get very close to survivors or on other killers against cocky survs who stay on the gen longer than it's safe because they can press E to outplay. Muscle memory will fuck their shit up. Even after they touch a gen and know about the exhaustion they still need to not run for 5 seconds. It's a win-win for the killer. Either they forget about the exhaustion and linger on a gen and are easy to catch or they stop the gen early to get rid of exhaustion, increasing killer pressure.

  8. I like how you rant about this Dwight humping the main building like he’s an exception. In my games all of them hump the strongest spots all game long 🙁


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