Shrine Showcase! Stridor & Hex: Ruin | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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In this video, we showcase the 2 killer perks on the shrine of secrets, Hex: Ruin and Stridor. We throw these perks onto a killer build and do our best to show what it’s like to run them, so you can figure out whether it’s worth it to spend your shards on them.

Thumbnail render made by Niina! Check her out here

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45 thoughts on “Shrine Showcase! Stridor & Hex: Ruin | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. Love the content homie! Yea I (along with alot of other people) would love to hear you talk about the changes. I am not so butthurt like some are on reddit lol but the gen tracker on top and surv on the left throw me off so much haha. Maybe we will get used to it.

  2. Tofu says games should always have an obsession so there is no tunneling, but then survivors will gen rush even if you dont run gen slowdown. If survivors dont care about the killer having a fun game, then why should the killer care about them having a fun game?

  3. Hey tofu, you see the bug thats at one of the azarlov maps? Cant remember which one exactly, but one has a bus where survivors can go through but killers cant. Survivors can heal without being able to be hit

  4. Instead of creating obsession in every match, I'd make DS not create an obsession by itself, like Nemesis. This way there's no information for the killer if there is DS in the match and players can still tell if there are other obsession perks used.

  5. I have also been having a much easier time tracking survivor movement with the new animation… It's much smoother and, let's say I miss and get cucked by auto-aim and the survivor gets up in my face, I can track their movement and try to keep LOS much easier and smoother, rather than the spazzy vanishing survivor and trying to follow a hopeless trail of scratches.

    EDIT: also, I also try to play fair and not sweat or tunnel or be mean spirited, making the game unfun for survivors…
    However… In the last several months, I have noticed a sharp increase in majority of survivor attitudes (at least in my games) and they are just super cocky, nasty, and aggressive and I will get steamrolled by them for playing nice and fair… So I'm trying to get in the habit that if you're going to be up in my face and be aggressively annoying to me, I'm no longer going to play fair because you're not giving me the same "courtesy"

    I know survivors gotta survive and that's not what I'm saying… It's the ones that think they are the next Ayrun, or Ussylis, or any number of other popular streamers who go out of their way to 2v1 or 3v1 the killer in an attempt to make the player DC. My role is to kill the survivors but I'm not Jason in Friday the 13th game where I can just grab bastards and mori them immediately with a button tap (have a bit more respect).
    I had a game in Coldwind with 2 aggressive Nea who would not get out of my face and for a while I couldn't get my first hook and I lost 2-3 gens before I eventually got my first. Someonr dc'd at a point, no clue why, where I was seriously considering the same because of bull it was… Once I finally got 10of them on hook, I admit I proxied her hard, got their friend Nea on the other hook and forced the Jake to stop gen jocky. I got 4k (3 with dc) and it felt kinda scummy to proxy and hit the other survivor so they couldn't make some BT/DS-take-hits play etc but the way they showed me how they were going to play and make me almost dc because I'm not in a good mental space to deal with it, it's just what I'm doing to have to learn to do more I guess. My inbox will just be nasty messages of hate and salt but… Oh well. F me.

  6. Obsession included in every game. In a game with no obsession creating perk, increase the BPs gained by that player by a small modifier for certain events, additionally give the killer a small modifier for hooking and downing the obsession. Make the bonus BP known ONLY after the game to avoid keen killers from noticing a change to scoring events and tipping them off that no one is running an obsession creating perk.

  7. i mean yeah seeing no obsession and thinking "dang i could kill this person right away without risking to get DS", but on the other hand is keeping everybody slugged on the ground without them being able to do anything in that time BETTER than being directly hunted and probably killed? it's both pretty frustrating i would say and it's also frustraing if you weren't tunneling somebody who just jumped into a locker just to DS you as a killer. so it's a two sided blade not just negative to survivors and survivors who use DS offensively just to piss off killers is getting more and more popular which sucks badly. that's also a thing why i want a hook counter for KILLERS so you can see exactly who you have already hooked and who you should not kill right away to give them some more time in the game. if i don't have this information and nobody of them had DS like the 2nd match i could accidentally kill a person right away, too. so i really want a hook counter for killers and not just for survivors :/


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