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The all new Hellraiser chapter has arrived to Dead by Daylight and this new killer is absolutely insane. In this video I show you how to shut down loops against survivors with The Cenobite’s chain hunt and power!
This killer is going to make it very difficult for survivors to run most loops!!!
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What licensed chapter would you like to see next?
Did Behavior remove Pinheads line?
They removed the voiceline when you teleport?
1:39 caught me of guard
I keep on lagging out one the last survivor when 3 r dead aswell I think it’s dbd cuz I’m on ps5
I really do hope they give his voice lines back.
9:28 this happened to me twice while playing Pinhead, hope they fix it soon
9:15 this happens so much now, why is that?
Anybody else notice how cherly didn't know you can hold the button down?
It’s annoying that the game ends when you down the last survivor now for some reason but I like the update
he is pretty fun to play as tbh!! it’s just difficult to counter his hooks sometimes. i notice a lot of times when playing him/against him people just wait until he’s in chase/picked someone up to solve the puzzle box
spooky came.
i think brutal strenght could actually be useful on him. You chain them right before a pallet and as they are slower you can break that pallet shutting down the loop and catch up more quickly
For the love of fuck, ‘La-ment’. ‘Luh-ment’. It’s not a fucking llama, we don’t have the fucking llamant configuration
who watched the hellraiser movies recently ? xD
" You clicked on the video and I came" – This video is now sponsored by Pornhub
It’s not steam, it’s the game, no surprise. Every single time you’re about to win; “You have been disconnected from the host” Happened to me and a whole lot of other people. The Devs said they’re working on it but we’ll see how that goes
This is all my opinion. Yeah his box has a somewhat easy counter but i think it gets a little op when it turns yellow especially if there's only 2 survivors left or you're in chase. even if someone picks it up and they get down it gives him free infectious and it persists. also being able to attach up to 3-4 chain mid chase is a little op especially up close it basically guarantee's an m1 or down. again all my opinion so don't bash be xD I play both sides a lot and lean towards killer!!
When you said that you were bloodpoint poor I was so happy lmao Finally a DBD video that doesn’t assume I’ve got maxed out perks and millions of BP’s to spend lol I feel you SpookyLoopz
Glad to see I’m not the only one getting disconnected from games
Classic BHVR
Hell raiser and radiant shards representing the year 2020 with the disconnect from host at the end lol. Iconic
Awesome video as always… what is the flashbang save timing for pinhead?
Should i get him or Freddy? Idk whos better
That wasn't Steam maintenance, Pinhead games just almost always crash in the late game because Behaviour is shit at coding.
they should add the conjuring Nun with Ed and Lorraine Warren
I'm genuinely depressed that you can't came now. Why did they remove Pinhead's ability to came?
I want Jeepers Creepers…
If you got time to repair a gen instead of healing, you weren't being tunneled. God bless that patch ^.^
Watching your video, seeing how you use your power to cut their paths makes me realize that despite having nearly 3k hours (since 2017, I'm a casual but veteran) I'm still a noob and I have so much to learn. Please accept me as your pupil.
It seems like you figured Pinhead out. Some of the last stream seemed rough for you and I'm so excited to see you play as him now!
Nice to finally see somebody admitting he's good the way he is. The amount of killers I've seen complaining he's underpowered and weak just because they didn't get a 4k without taking the time to learn him is ridiculous.
09:12 that has happened to me every pinhead game ive played