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Sometimes in Dead by Daylight you have to show the pesky survivors no mercy and completely shut the game down!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the Rank 1 Killer Gameplay!
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Let’s gooo
Let's talk about it
Can we just talk about how fast he’s pushing out this content and appreciate it thank you red have a wonderful day 😊
that oni was something else jeez
What's a Red video without him asking to talk about it?
slugging suvivors down lol
Doctor next? Thanks for the clown, he’s so hard and requires you to outsmart survivors. Do you still enjoy the clown
Thoughts on pyramid head (playing as and against)
Man you are on a roll
does that huntress skin just get rid of her lullaby?
I learn a lot by watching your killer games! When is your next Pinhead game? I keep getting STOMPED when I play him and would love to see some tips!
That Trapper game was a 600 IQ game. I like how you psychically knew where everyone would step 😂
Survivors rushing gens
Oni : ok i will rush hooks
Mad grit is so funny on baba huntress 😂
They went form gen focused to fertiliser in 10 seconds flat.
I love the guy who called you childish for the way you played. He was so mad he couldnt think of any insults
This was amazing vid great job man !!
Wow, that 180 flick in the first matchup was amazing. Could you perhaps upload a guide on how to do it?
I love it when us killers play the "slugging and tunneling" and we are called trashy players. I'm sorry what?! Either A. Your guys are gen rushing or B. You guys are grouped too close, why wouldn't I
''childish, 4 mins slug not fun'' – Blame your team, not the killer
8:57 what the fuck i never knew you could do that with mad grit lol
Love that oni snowball! Guess that’s the equivalent of smashing out the gens! Spawn is the biggest issue in this game, I’ve had games with corrupt and lethal pursuer and I’ve had the 4 survivors each spawn on a different not corrupted gen, I’ve also had games with lethal where all survivors have spawned on a single gen and completed it before I can even reach the gen.
Shutting 'em down as The Trapper is always satisfying!
Especially when RedsFlamingFlires uses my favorite skin on Evan!
Great video red I’ve adopted this play
style it’s so fun, you look liked a cracked huntress I would love to see you play more of her as I’m trying to learn her on console
Now this is more like it, Red! Keep up that ruthless aggression
3 games in 11.5 mins. That’s shutting them DOWN.