Simple (but almost impossible) Survivor Challenge… | Dead by Daylight

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I tried to get the maximum bloodpoint score playing as a solo Survivor and it took forever! This video has some of the most exciting games that I played during my attempts. Enjoy!

00:00 vs Blight (Blood Lodge)
12:23 vs Spirit (Eyrie of Crows)
13:08 vs Wesker (Badham)
26:13 vs Nurse (Wretched Shop)

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33 thoughts on “Simple (but almost impossible) Survivor Challenge… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. me: runs nurse for 14 mins hoping my team will do gens…. team does dull totems and opens all chests and hides in corner.

    otz: expects team to do the same as always like my case, best solo que non pre made alive altruistic, gen, rush, is basically the legendary thing every killer main on reddit thinks they go against.

    otz & me: surprised pikachu face

  2. 26:05 one of the reasons why this add-on is so good, but also underrated, is because the current math is bugged. It’s actually a lot closer to 70% than it is 30% which makes it extremely potent and possibly Weskers best add-on.

  3. Well the Nurse wanting you to stun her explains why she kept leaving you and didn't commit to the tunnels she started. I know Otz wasn't in on it, but Nurse definitely was watching stream and handed it to him

  4. Bruh I was focused on something else and had this playing in the background for a minute, and when he responded specifically to someone in chat named Lincoln, I did a triple take because thats my name.


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