Sir Tofu The Adept | Dead by Daylight

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This is before Knight got his buffs, but this is my attempts at doing the adept achievement for him, Enjoy!

Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out here​​​/

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44 thoughts on “Sir Tofu The Adept | Dead by Daylight”

  1. You know… I’m gonna miss the old adept system. I wish they made it for survivor harder, instead of making it easier for Killer. That’s a bad take, but it’s my bad take.
    But, I am grateful for the change, making it easier to get the achievements so the O.8% Adepts I have to not be outliers… that’s if people actually play the killers more often.

  2. 18:02 Tofu’s brain fully ceased functioning lmao

    Calling a pallet a hook and then saying he’d β€œspirit fury” the pallet, as in breaking it, while not running spirit fury… That 52y/o brain is showing πŸ˜‚

  3. I have often said that the knight needs a single button break. Like, you look at a gen, it is highlighted, you hit control, and that guard just spawns and breaks it without you needing to enter the poewr.

  4. The giving up when you start winning is why it took me so many tries with some of the killers. Trapper especially I didn't get much for traps but if I even dared to snowball it they would just go next.

  5. Your idea of "you don't lose points for letting them wiggle because you regain them" only works if you down them immediately afterwards. If they wiggle out and you dont redown them, you dont get those points back, you've lost points for the wiggle out and a chase loss.

  6. That Dwight from the first game was annoying me on a personal level because he reminded me of a game I had yesterday with a player who did exactly the same thing.

    The killer tunneled out 2 people that I saved off hook and it got to my turn and since those two didn't throw any pallets I had the run of the place. Over 2 minutes later he had did absolutely nothing he saves me from the hook and goes back to stealthing in bushes, another 30 seconds later I just gave up and he had sole survivor, left behind, wake up, and adrenaline…

    He was the only one who lived and had the least amount of points.

  7. I didn't think I'd like a series more than some of the others you did like the Pentimento Challenge or the Rancor Challenge but honestly this one was amazing. The Bubba one was my favorite, the fact that you were able to do it with just a mouse while your arm was in a cast made it that much more entertaining, congrats!

  8. Man, I relate to that last survivor team so much. Yui taking bad pathing and running into the killer, Rebecca dead harding way too early, Nea trying to get blinds that never had a chance… yeah this feels like someone took me and multiplied x4.

    But at least I'm not self-caring in the middle of the map at 17:37
    …hang on, it looks like nobody ran self-care so it must have been boon heals, but neither of the two injured people (at the time) finished healing until 18:17 (way too long for a boon heal), and the Meg on hook at the time healed up first – I'm so confused at what exactly they were doing during this time.

  9. Aren't the adepts now, that you only have to 4k with your 3 teachables?
    I did 5 games of Trapper yesterday and 4k 3 of them (with only the teachables of course) and I didn't get my adept. Did the same with Freddy.
    Anyone knows if its bugged or did I got the change wrong?

  10. Been a blast watching you do the adepts! I was thinking what about a new series:

    You could do builds for killers that help newer players and/or do suggested builds from comments?

    Anyways love the video as always! See you in the stream tonight!


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