Skill Check Doctor Just Got WAY WORSE

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BHVR is giving a BIG buff to one of the most rage inducing killer builds in Dead by Daylight – Skill Check Doc. With Overcharge now regressing gens up to 400% faster, a generator focused skill check build makes it impossible for survivors to move the game forward. And a buff to Coulrophobia making it increase the speed of skill checks inside your terror radius makes healing insanely difficult. Altogether, we have massive improvements and new flavors to the pain survivors experience from Skill Check Doctor.

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Background Music:
“random love”
by i$mael jam

Isle by Lethal Needle
Lethal Needle YT

#dbd #doctor


20 thoughts on “Skill Check Doctor Just Got WAY WORSE”

  1. Dead hard is so trash now…Idc what anyone says that animation is so slow a killer could see it coming from 5 miles away before they need to swing

  2. Re: doc yeah hes awful with running down survivors, from weapon reach, to FOV, and cruchhard. IMO the fun way to troll with that build is us a small map sacrifice then bring up the trolling with non stop shock therapy and santanic blast. for extra fun? I use iron grasp a lot (fucking sick of survivor mob squads) or agitating presence. Disturbing presence with a 30% increase in nude radiius just makes this skill check asmr. For a minut I had a game streak going of people just DCing on getting a wif of the the fun (well for me it was)

  3. The problem is deadhard. it takes away a fair chase from the killers. and survivors already have to many get out of jail and pussy out cards. time to delete those so they become miserable.

  4. the other issue just from 30s of this map. Maps have no sense of flow. They provide to many options for a single survivor to…I'll use wow tank terms we all speak WoW right? good. If this was WoW: you can gain agro on a boss(Killers is a miniboss). and kite them . But, then their's no CD on their kiting abilities.
    The maps I'm going to say now have no meeningfull flow and thought to risk/reward.
    Look at his clip where after a survivor has threat (yervs undevided attention), and kites him to…a stun. well you only should have at most! at most! 3maaaybe for environmental stuns. Killers as a boss needs adds to.
    Look at how the survivor can try to run in circles. where's the run of stam? where's the: if you'r so close to the boss you will get goatse'd.
    I don't need more than about 10 minutes of gameplay to spot exactly where beever is shovelwear.

  5. If I had a nickel for every time you said "The only thing I don't know is.." I would have 9 nickels. Also every fiber of my being hurts when they don't hunt for the totem, even at one stack you can tell it's Huntress' Lullaby and you go check totem spawns.

  6. I tried a different impossible skill check build on him (unnerving and coulraphobia over merciless and oppression) and wow did I get coulraphobia value. I had 5 stacks and two people tried picking up a slug who'd already recovered. I had to go push them off because they failed skill checks so fast it sounded like someone vaulting back and forth


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