SKULL MERCHANT & DISTORTION DEAD – Dev Update Review | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #skullmerchant #distortion

Today in our Dead by Daylight video, we’re covering the very controversial and BIG developer update that BHVR just came out. A lot of long standing issues are being addressed, but not in the ways we particularly wanted…

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26 thoughts on “SKULL MERCHANT & DISTORTION DEAD – Dev Update Review | Dead by Daylight”

  1. It seems kinda hypocritical to say that things should be “nerfed at the same time” when this patch nerfs distortions but makes like 60000 new aura reading perks so that you literally can’t do anything as survivor and not get your aura revealed.

  2. My tin foil hat theory on the Mori changes is that a majority of the casual survivor playerbase takes being mori’d as opposed to just sacrificed as a personal insult akin to getting tunneled out (which is also not that big of a deal) regardless of the context. So now Moris will be less prevalent; only usable in clear cut killer wins and endgame situations.

  3. “Ima play a big game of hide and seek”, I understand that some survivors dont play this game to win. I speak for myself when i say this, The Goal for all survivors should be to complete the 5 gens and escape. When i use distortion i use it to complete gens THAT ARE REQUIRED in order for a full team escape. “Having 1 perk counter AURA PERKS That arent slowdown perks was kind of silly”…. Thats such a killer main mentality. SURVIVORs cant do gens if THEY ARE CHASED AND KILLED . Aura perks and aura add ons are slow down stop telling lies just cause youre mad you cant find survivors without aura reading, seems like a skill issue to me.

  4. Yeah they pretty much did the flex it tape on her and cut her in half

    Drones have a broken light now, so she only has the one light

    Hinders been cut in half

    Haste is now gone

    Here's the buff I can add to fix her a bit after the nerf

    –Pulling out the scanner doesn't slow her down now
    ( I don't know if it does, but if it does remove the slowdown)

    –Reduce the scan immunity by 40% (because it's only one light on the drones now, so the killer has too manually change it's direction to get value again so reducing the scan immunity will allow for some more offensive scans and can still be countered by crouching)

    –Add UI to show that you can't place the drone so you don't waste time trying to place just for it to go into cooldown instead.

    —Decrease the cooldown of placing drones down by 35%
    ( So you're not just standing around for another drone)

    —Increase the rotate speed of drones by 10%

    —add line of slight only for survivors to see the ground radius of the scan and remove it from through walls to allow for surprised scans

    For future changes, add the ability for you to point a direction to sent the drone so it can scan and move now, move up to 32 meters and at 2 m/s speed, basically half a survivors run speed and increase rotate speed by 20% when moving, increase scan immunity by 100% ( basically before the buff to allow for survivors to react and not get doubled scanned at range, name it scout mode to move the drones around)

    I believe this will make skull merchant more of a dynamic killer that needs you to play around the one scan line as survivor and killer, removing the brain dead aspect and adding reaction and timing to play as and against skull merchant

  5. Can't wait to play a survivor group that has a dedicated Quick Gambit looper while the other 3 have a combination of Leader, Quick Gambit, Corrective Action, Stake Out, Hyper Focus, toolboxes

  6. Huntress can hold a hatchet and not even throw it which can zone a survivor, Pyramid Head can use his power to zone a survivor, Nemesis can hold his whip to zone a survivor, almost EVERY killer can zone a survivor by holding their power. So why is it even a problem to zone a survivor? The dev changes make absolutely no sense for the Unknown in my opinion lol.

  7. I find it funny that you complain about the buffs/nerfs when none of the nerfs were extremely massive. People want a meta shake-up but then whine about when it happens.

    Also, I can't believe people think the Distortion change is going to "fix" rat gameplay or "inadvertent tunneling". There are other ways than just Distortion to do this that are more effective and do not need you to be anywhere near the killer to stay hidden.

    We'll see though

  8. The Dead Man's Switch nerf is the most baffling. It's now just a worse deadlock. I don't care about the longer timer if it comes at the cost of not being automatic and targeting the Gen you want targeted.

    It also just wasn't that good of a slowdown perk. Artist was the only killer that could really abuse it.

  9. As for the unknown changes I think it would be okay if they did those changes just allow it so once it reaches full maximum to where you can place down a fake unknown you can use an active ability button and then it will be placed down

  10. W video I agree what u say people being happy about skull merchant nerf but like u said be careful because it can happen to your killer u mean I feel bad for the skull merchant main u I'm a plague and onryo main u already no what they did to onryo now plague will be in November and I'm scared for that day because I don't no what to expect I'm not going to sit here and talk bad about SM hopefully she gets a real rework next year and keep up with the video man

  11. Skull Merchant will be a bottom 3 character if these changes go through. As much as I want them to buff her before live, they didn’t actually fix the gameplay loop of SM that survivors hate so much (drop drone, then leave loop or get injured) so she will still be boring like this and if they buff her then she will just be back to boring and annoying like current Merchant. I understand that they have a bigger rework planned for next year, but if she is SO problematic that they feel the need to intentionally soft kill her for a year (which has never happened in DBD history), then why is she not first in line for a rework? These changes were drafted with nothing more than the intent to get the community to shut up about her. At this point, they should just kill switch her for a year until her rework so that it could sort of reset her reputation and the community’s perception of her to an extent and then when she comes back, people won’t confuse her new power with past iterations and she will have a fresh start as essentially a new character. Also, it would hold them accountable for not putting off her rework like they’ve done with other killers who have a rework “down the road.”

  12. The Skull Merchant changes are a full on slaughter of the character. You pretty much said it there that the community needs to look at themselves when saying stuff like "remove €!%& Merchant from the game already!" I think Pixel Bush is already working on a video abut this..
    Plus the Finisher Mori is indeed A$$. I hope this isn't gonna get throu and or atleast let Memento stay as is. I would rather prefer a Hatch update so that a key is required or else the Surv can't leave throu instead of it spawning open. Giving keys an actual purpose.


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