SKULL MERCHANT First Impressions + Shelterwoods Rework Tour (Dead by Daylight PTB)

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Testing Skull Merchant’s powers and perks while taking a tour of Shelter Woods on Dead by Daylight’s PTB.

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Background Music:
by i$mael jam

#dbd #ptb #skullmerchant


45 thoughts on “SKULL MERCHANT First Impressions + Shelterwoods Rework Tour (Dead by Daylight PTB)”

  1. They are basically ripping off the predator game with the map. The killer also seems to be kinda like a knockoff character of it too.. Wonder if this was more of a result of them not being able to get permission so they just did this instead lol.

    The perks that the killer has.. Is… Interesting.. But I am not sure if I will be using all of them all that often.

    I kinda dislike the mori.. But oh well.

  2. I think she seems pretty interesting, but I feel like she suffers from "survivors have waaaaay too much info" Like why can they see the radius of her drones? Why can they see how far marked they are? Why does the marking mechanic go away after leaving the radius of the drone? Why is it not like ghostface?

    Her ability means nothing if survivors can easily avoid it

  3. Yerv: this killer on hard so gonna be while to master

    Me: are you sure about that?

    Besides you were so lost on her power….I mean do you not see in bold letters of "check your radar"???

  4. when you first set up a drone, it's activated, when it's lower to the ground, you can no longer become undetectable but it still sweeps for survivors. Survivors can hide when the drone is lower to the ground but as soon as they are detected by the sweep, the drone becomes active again and you can track them on your radar. If a survivor disables a drone when it's lowered to the ground, they gain a tracker on their arm for a period of time before the battery on the tracker drains and they can then remove it and no longer be tracked on the killer's radar

  5. They get what's called "locked on" progress inside drone zone. Once locked, they get exposed when they run through a drone zone. If they take down a drone, they get a tracker that let's you use the radar on the Ctrl key to hunt them.

  6. I feel like the drone should only apply exposed when it has no line of sight on the survivor. When it does have LOS, make it straight up damage them with a fast-moving projectile, that way it’ll reward good drone placement and have an impact when across the map. This’ll also discourage survivors from doing a gen covered by a drone directly while the Merchant is across the map. This change will also free up addons for stuff like “apply mangled on drone strike” and maybe some other addons can become basekit.

  7. I feel like they named Predator "The Skull Collector" at first but the license fell off so they renamed it to "The Skull Merchant" and called the day done. That's the only logical argument i can think off when it comes to this killer's name


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