Slugging still viable despite "Basekit Unbreakable" PTB | Dead by Daylight

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DOWSEY plays Dead by Daylight’s PTB and tests the Basekit Unbreakable changes!
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00:00 – Intro
00:40 – Twins Gameplay
04:27 – Nurse Gameplay
06:10 – Oni Gameplay
11:58 – Bubba Gameplay


38 thoughts on “Slugging still viable despite "Basekit Unbreakable" PTB | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I'm definitely concerned about this mori system update. Based on the dev update, I thought that the survivor that was downed had to wait 45 seconds no matter what. To be able to pick yourself up with the right perk combination after 13 seconds is a bit silly. I'm also worried that this will continue to encourage tunneling and camping. Which while I get that they're valid strategies, it still just doesn't feel good to be the target of it.

    I hope BHVR sees the results of this PTB and makes some appropriate updates.

  2. I feel like the changes made killers that were already good at slugging more oppresive, but made killers that weren't even worse. Not something you want in a healthy change.

  3. Hey guys, we fixed slugging by making unbreakable base kit!

    Oh by the way, we made it so slugging can instantly end the game, so expect to spend more time on the ground than before.

    4 man slugging ended the game because survivors could realistically only pick themselves up once, so at most the game could continue 4 times after a 4 man slug happened. Now they made it so 4 man slugging wouldn't end the game, except for the part where they decided it ends the game. Why couldn't the Mori only happen when everyone else is hooked, dead, or escaped instead of whenever low profile goes off

  4. This change really just makes winning by slugging much easier for killers that already perform well and worse for just about everyone else.

    Realistically the only times you get away with slugging the entire team for 22-45 secs is if you're a killer like nurse, blight, or oni who can perform so well that you don't even need the free mori at the end and unbreakable is the only chance that team would have against such a killer, if a team is really bad, or if they put themselves in a situation you were already going to win like all going down to a basement trapper or being downed quickly in a small area by other m1 killers

    Any other killer that doesn't have this ability now has to deal with a buffed unbreakable and everyone having a base 45 unbreakable.

    I see this as a minor nerf bc only in extreme cases will the base 45 have impact, times like when you slug one survivor to chase and down another nearby, instead of requiring someone else to go get them they can pick themselves up, improving survivor time efficiency.

    Additionally unbreakable gets a huge buff not only reducing pick up time to 22 secs but also having unlimited uses which can make it more appealing to run

  5. I'm not really convinced of the argument that this PTB makes weak killers weaker. Weak killers like Trapper never needed to rely on slugging. It only hurts Onryo running Ring Drawing addon and a T3 Myers needs to be selective with what chases he tries to snowball with, nobody else is hurt too badly by this. Freddy? Wraith? Clown? They don't really slug unless its to get a free hit in the next 5 seconds.

  6. I don’t get people. Twins are super rare. Why would you dc instead of taking the opportunity to have a unique match against a unique killer? Would they rather have the same sorts of matches against the same killers over and over?

  7. One issue I have about the new mori ending (besides the softlock bug) is that it'll get old pretty quickly. Now it's like "Cool, the killer ends the game in an epic way." But it'll become "Can I please skip this, I've seen Nurse's mori about 10 times today and I want to move on."

  8. My biggest concern with the Mori update is, how many times did you get put into the dying state as you entered the hatch or standing on top of the hatch and then crawled into the hatch last second? How about entering the dying state when at the exit gate as you crawl out.
    How does the update affect those interactions?

  9. Unbreakable and Boon: Exponential are overpowered especially with sabotaging hooks. This update would actually make me quit playing. I play survivor and killer roughly equally. And I don't like the changes for either side. The mori changes makes moris actually fucking lame. It's better to be able to mori during a match rather than the end of it. It makes the mori just a bit more special. This system makes its so that escapes that would've otherwise been possible, impossible. Boo on BHVR for this one. This makes the game different, but it's actually worse for it.

  10. I feel like BHVR's philosophy for Nurse this time is that they want her to be so insanely strong in the hands of good Nurse players that they will actually get bored and stop playing her. In addition, Survivors won't feel the need to DC because the match will be over within 2 minutes or so.
    Genius. 🤦🏻‍♂️

  11. They added a mori when all survivors are down which won't happen after the update, and the mori is a joke because you'd get the kill anway so it's just a fancy animation that they call compensation… DBD devs are something else

  12. Finally someone talking about the change positively, thanks Dowsey. I actually agree with this point of view. Tired of seeing content calling it out as broken before properly testing it, and then the clips "supporting" their argument is just survivors playing suicidal unga bunga (which is to be expected on ptb; as you said). Behaviour is getting closer to making me want to play again. Keep up the content! Cheers!


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