Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
So I finally played Dead by Daylight, it was very spooky but amazing
Support a creator code: Bakbak
Lemme know if you wanna see more 𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙠 games on the channel c:
More of this game please
Is this a video by Bakbak I haven’t seen one of these in years
you’re still alive i haven’t seen you like in a month
He finally posted a new vid
You Fell Off Hard G
I didn't have popcorn or popcorn or popcorn 😢
warning, this game is extremely hard on new players
I never thought this day would come
Hey man your not alone, I to don't like horror games and movies
This hurts to watch when you have 3+ years playing the game💀💀
I have a good spook game that you can play the games name is Bigfoot 4.0 and I think many other people would like to see you play this game
all this popcorn….
but at what cost?
I don't like them too.
dude didn't even play the tutroial
First killer you play against is a spirit?!
hey bakbak keep playing the game i enjoy this content
This game should be called "Among us if the impostor was my sleep paralysis demon"
Do this with your squad. This will be very funny.
Let's Fckin GOOOOO
“Yo why is he ascending? Is that can-yay?”
Who the hell is can-yay?
He actually didn’t do that bad he has no clue what he’s doing but he dose it
Best game
Ayo play franbow on your second channel and make it a series please!!!😭
”Dead by 7pm“
It feel illegal to hear him swear 2:53
Can return to play FNAF please
"You poor thing" is the only thing I could think about 💀
As killar you lost
Love your channel I use PS4 so I do get notifications about youtube
u poor thing.
Omg dbd is my favorite game bro… Add me
Play dead space 🌚
Do gens. Different items for different things. flashlight is the best item. save your team before 2nd hook. The best youtuber for this game @ayrun @thejrm You find medkid or selfcare which is for healing. Toolbox is for gens, the sabotage tool box is different. Dead hard is the best perk. But I suggest sprit brust for noobs its megs perk. Good luck bro…. Have a nice day
Bro honestly, he is playing like a Dwight lol
Thank you
Im still sad of Minecraft pennywise
Little does he know the last guy at the end escaped…
I love this please play more🤗
I would love to see more DBD from you if you enjoyed it
"i won" he says as someone escapes via the hatch
greatest DBD moment of all time