SO IS CHUCKY NERFED? Checking Out The New Chucky Changes! Dead by Daylight PTB

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27 thoughts on “SO IS CHUCKY NERFED? Checking Out The New Chucky Changes! Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. Either bring back scamper without having to use slice and dice but make it take longer to slide under or increase the manoeuvrability of slice and dice after scampering after slice and dice to compensate for not being able to use scamper freely outside slice and dice.

    Like you can’t just take away a part of his ability and restricting it to an ability that already has a very limited turning…

    Or just make his slice and dice duration longer and it lunges even further than now to at least catch up to survivors after breaking a pallet.

    Overall bad change…

  2. The problem is they removed a main power on him while not addressing the shortcomings of his other power. So yea, you have slice and dice more now, but slice and dice was never particularly good on it's own, only combo'd with scamper for a scamper into a slice and dice.
    I don't know why they felt the need to nerf chucky when basically noone plays him because of how clunky he feels after his flick removal and now they proceeded to make him even more clunky. He's not the only 110 killer who hasn't got a consistent power for pallets.

  3. I genuinely think Chucky is decent. Sometimes they do things like Vecna who is blatantly and unforgivably weak, but slice and dice is a good power and I’ll enjoy the 33% cooldown reduction

  4. I love how you make all these killers look so easy! Chucky definitely is too slow for map control, but hopefully he can be buffed a bit so he’s competitive enough. Love your content!

  5. I swear I get the WORST surviovor teammates in solo. Don't do gens. Don't hook save. Go down fast. Rage quit. So its hard for me to rank up when my team can't do one gen and all I've done is run the entire match. Let me play killer though and I get efficient gens, quick unhooks, hook sabotages, flash light saves, flash bang saves, pallet stuns, excellent loopers, every second chance perk in the game and the list goes on and on. Im doomed no matter which side I play. I used to be good with any killer I picked. Now I'm thankful when I draw a match. If im lucky 1 in 10 games will be a 4k.

  6. Tru3 doesn't know chucky can still scamper windows without doing slicendice not once did he vault the windows in power while chasing survivors I'm sorry tru3 no disrespect but as someone who grinded to p100 chucky in 2 months after his launch putting him hundreds of hours In this killer I did notice you make a few mistakes certain plays with him here. I too was upset about scamper pallets being taken but he can have map pressure now by spamming slicendice to get around the map he gets it back quickly to do that now

  7. They should revert the changes,
    Chucky doesn't need a nerf/buff, he is pretty balanced in his current state, and taking away the ability to scamper unless slicing removes a whole aspect of his power. Chain slices are already hard to do, hes just gonna be a worse blight

  8. I’m a Chucky main, and I find these changes super unnecessary. He doesn’t need a nerf or buff. Bhvr just should keep him as he always was, since he was one of the more balanced killers they ever made.

    Scamper is now pretty useless, and it made a few add ons go from A-C tier, to bottom D or F. I hope these changes don’t go to live servers, since they will have to revert or change many add ons to compensate for removing one of his most powerful aspects

  9. I think it’s a decent nerf but fully justified as before it kinda just did one of two thing either gave you hit that you did not gain OR made loops shorter (also in some cases did nothing but that’s more map/tile dependent not his power)
    It would of better them doing it another way but scamper needed to be addressed it was a control situation that worked towards guaranteeing hit which shouldn’t exist

  10. they did another nerf to him, he now has a short 1 sec cooldown on Slice and Dice eachtime he cancels the charge, this is kinda bad for me atleast since i would sometimes cancel to reposition but now you'll be in a cooldown and it screws up your timing.


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