SOLO QUE BUFFS COMING! – Dead by Daylight

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Looks like solo survivor buffs are coming into Dead by Daylight very soon as BHVR shared this info on Twitter earlier today.

#dbd #dead_by_daylight


📜Twitch Schedule: I stream TUESDAY to FRIDAY 7:00PM – 10:30PM GMT U.K TIME.



About Dead by Daylight
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught, tortured and killed.



29 thoughts on “SOLO QUE BUFFS COMING! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Solo Q getting some love is nice. Now im hoping Killers get a better version of the Mori changes if they havent scrapped it. Also i dont think this will buff SWF in any way. SWFs are mostly on Comms so i guess the icons will just be info that they already know.

  2. I think it won't add much or anything to a 4 swf on comms as they have all info spoken.
    3 swf or less and swf groups not on comms it will definitely make them a bit stronger as they can see the info they need.
    Honestly i thought they had dropped this because there hasn't been spoken about since the announcement iirc.

  3. Buffing basekit gen regression, and maybe adding a gen repair startup animation so survivors can't instantly tap gens or do the final gen in your face and get 3 health states because of adrenaline

  4. If those icons show for everyone…including the killer…then that is also a buff towards the killers. Making them aware what all the survivors are currently doing? would be kind of OP , just look and be like , oh those losers only have 1 doing a gen! Maybe make THAT a new Killer information Perk?

  5. Killers will probably be able to see the status icons as well so that gives them info. Honestly this change doesn't do much for solo q. If I was in chase I would bloody hope ppl are on gens. Icons will just help slightly. Solo q players need to know what perks everyone is bringing so ppl know there intentions n playstyle. At least have lets say the first 2 slots shown. Helps to know who is running perks like Deliverance, breakout, boil over, power struggle etc.

  6. Oh wow solo que finally getting touched XD, all I hope is that they implement it correctly and not throw a wrench into it making either completley useless or super strong(which depends on what else is added other than icons)

    I personally don't think it buffs sfws considering they already have strong coms and regardless the solo que is still the weakest link since they aren't in chat with the SWF. If anything, what I see happening is giving survivors even more reason to be toxic towards randoms. Now they'll get to see exactly what to insult them with cause they can see where they were.

  7. I don't really know I feel about this but I think it's better to just look at this as a quality of life improvement instead of a buff to survivors if that makes sense? Because the games killers struggle with the most are still 4 man teams with comms so at least they're not getting any stronger necessarily. Sure, those 3 man + 1 solo teams and duo teams will get better communication, but that's honestly fine with me because I feel like it's better to prioritize a better experience for those solo players than worry about the slight buff and change in killer/survivor overall balance. Nice to see another video from you, MrGimms. Happy holidays.

  8. They need to fix their servers the crazy amount of bugs their hit reg and just in general make their game a normal game that isn't falling apart at the coding before they do ANYTHING but I don't thinknit will happen I personally don't think this tiny bit of info will help survivors enough to all of a sudden be gods again however matches that once we're super easy might be difficult now bhvr keeps hearing give solo q comms and buff killer mostly people like "yo bhvr buff killer were all sick of this shit" bhvr be like "so we've heard you and we've decided to add a feature that would've been amazing a year ago but not so much now and we are going to nerf pig hope yall like the changes!!!!"

  9. it may be a bit of a boost… kind of imagine it just makes the match have less call outs.. or they will get to more specific info faster.
    not sure if this will do much… only if your team is doing something do you get info… 😏 it will be a fun way of knowing im the only one on a gen without anyone having to say it..
    🤣 so it will be close to what solo q is now haha

  10. Killers shouldn't get shit… they just got a major buff… why can't survivors get a buff without worrying about killers… behavior didn't think about survivors experience when they released that killer patch….

  11. Yet another copout. It's beginning to become tedious that BHVR are actively choosing to treat SWF as if it's in the minority & should just be treated the same way as solo queue.
    That mentality it causing them to keep painting themselves into corners of their own design – and overall, it's just wasting everybody's time.
    Like you pointed out, this mechanic collides with aura perks. And because knowledge is niche but strong enough with what you get – aura perks get invalidated but stupidly enough, this feature gets invalidated by aura perks also. They both offer the same information, so their overlap makes the latter pointless in having. We've already got 'Bond'. It's always been the solution – and it was a fine solution because you could only use it at the expense of a perkslot.

    History keeps repeating itself with this game. If you introduce something to survivor, that also means you introduce something to SWF. That's not going to change until BHVR implement some kind of distinction that operates differently depending on the lobby. It's not rocket science – and it's becoming grating to see that there's no progress being made in acknowledging that premise.
    If they know they're never going to balance the base game, BHVR seriously needs to work on a system that adjusts depending on the survivor lobby dynamic – at the very least. Otherwise SWF is going to continue to upset the balance of this game as well as the metrics that go into the stats that BHVR swear by are "flawless".

    I introduce to you a debuff amplifier spectrum.

    4-solo = no debuff
    2-solo/ 2-swf = minimal debuff
    2-swf/ 2-swf = moderate debuff
    1-solo/ 3-swf = large debuff
    4 swf = largest debuff

    Make this a global debuff across all progression speed – and in tandem, give some smaller buffs to killer for compensation.

    In addition, we should also be getting a buff amplifier spectrum associated with AI teammates on DCs.

    1 bot = small buff
    2 bots = moderate buff
    3 bots = large buff

  12. I’ve been struggling so much with solo q recently to the point where I’m starting to run solo gen builds .It’s tough to even play a single game now with how bad teams can be, especially in low MMR that I’m stuck in, so this helps a lot

  13. This would be so nice to have! There has been so many times I've been in chase for a while and praying others are doing gens but most of the time, they aren't….. Now if they add this and I'm proposedly distracting the killer but don't see anyone on a gen. I can get outta chase and do gens myself.


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