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A Dead by Daylight BW compilation.
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A Dead by Daylight BW compilation.
"Blood Warden, the toxic punisher, the salt creator, the denier of filth"
Hope you are going to upload the Ghostface game with the boil over abuser from the other day, that was the best match I've seen in a while
Blood warden is the ultimate uno reverse card
coconut ur turning into such a salty streamer… reporting someone over a dc? new low. Fames getting to u
So I want to start a bit of an opinion gathering here because I for one don't think denying Blood Warden by disconnecting should be a bannable offense.
Here's why I think this. The person doing the disconnecting only gets a nat-. He literally only loses by doing that but in return potentially prevents his teammates from facing a situationally very strong perk.
I understand why it's not fun to go against and how you'd feel cheated. By the definition of the word it is an exploit, but it's not an exploit that directly benefits the exploiter which is why I find it to be a suicide strategy essentially.
Since the word exploit has a few meanings I think a few also apply to that situation.
I am not blind to the fact that SWF teams could abuse that to always counter Blood Warden, but if you're in an swf and you're going for a sweat strategy, there are better and smarter ways of going about it that don't result in 1 person just losing out on everything.
As I have said, I want to gather other people's opinion on this because I am quite curious how other people feel about this, I just ask you to be respectful and not berate anyone for having a different opinion than yourself.
They have bots for the tutorial, replace DCed survivors with bots. This would not only fix exploits, but also just make the game better for survivors. Nobody likes going into a match just to see someone get downed once and immediately DC a minute into the match. Plus if you get replaced by a bot, they could add a rejoin function so accidental DCs are less punishing. And obviously rejoin would be optional since there are legitimate reasons to DC, like being held hostage. If you accidentally DC you can still get back into your match, if you DCed because you were being held hostage, the killer sits there wasting their time, the rest of the team isn't punished as much when you rage quit, it's good all-around for everybody that isn't abusing exploits.
Or, if you don't want to implement bots, just ban repeat offenders like most games do. While that DC looked very deliberate, it could have been them legitimately getting DCed at a bad time (although very unlikely). But if it happens like 5 times, then it's probably not an accident and they're intentionally abusing the exploit. Doesn't even need to be a permaban, just give them a 24 hr suspension or something.
They should do it like fortnite, where if they dc the body is left in the game so the killer can still hook
Honestly the BW vids are probably my favorites, love the sarcasm when they get caught out lol
1:17 Picklejarhead's GET FUCKED really made my day
Probably just me but I had to rewind when he said he was going to report for d/c…. thats pretty petty dude.
this happens to me a lot with BT.
i think if he didn't harass tapp on ormond he might have stuck around to body block or even to Tbag or smt. but since he got injured and there's was no space to make a play after that, he bailed. is my thought
Not gon lie I do that too but with DH. I don’t use it in my normal build so when I put it on I still don’t use it. After I died I look at the build and realize oh yea I had DH
“Can we report her for that?” Are you kidding me? DCing isn’t cool but it’s not cheating lmao.
Watching that Claudette DC was amazing!🤤🤣
Do you think DCing for a teammate to get hatch is also an exploit? It should be if it follows the same logic as DCing to deny blood warden.
I feel like Blood Warden only punishes stupid survivors that don't 99 gates.
Kinda' felt entitled of Coconut to be like: "I'm gonna' report her for DCing and see if she gets banned." Hard yikes dude.. That's what the temp ban is for..
Like- dude, if you stopped playing like an ass, BMing, etc; people may stop DCing from your games. You may think it's all in good humor, but, unless someone's watching your stream, they won't know that.
I really don't agree with the "Can I report her for that"
Who knows if she even thought you had blood warden
Some new low level shit i never would of expected from you.
I hate the disconnecting to avoid perks its so bs, i was playing a game against a 4 man swf, was on the last gen and chased and downed someone then they disconnected so my scourge hook wouldnt regress the gen. They waited until i was right about to hook them too just to waste my time
You have the skill but you need more gen regression perks
At times, I question if it's better to run No Way Out, or Blood Warden. I mostly run Blood Warden because Id rather do something funny than be a productive killer in society.
how is dc'ing to avoid blood warden an exploit? lmao tf kind of logic is that
i get that its lame tooo deny a perk but dude ur such a nerd for actually saying ur gonna report him over something not that deep 🤦♂️
Coconut never regret using blood warden. Embrace it, feed off it, and soak in their salty tears.
Titel should be… Some time i regret not using bw
The bots in the comments defending Mikaela for disconnecting to prevent Blood Warden. Lol.
BAHAHAH, oh my god that suffo pit clip is top tier humour
imagine rage quitting to try and stop a bloodwarden play only to see that only one out of 3 lived. I don't know what's better killing her and getting the bloodwarden play and the 4K or that she left the match and earned nothing but wasted time and a temporary ban only to know the dc only saved one of her teammates and honestly someone could've possibly lived regardless of the bloodwarden just hide away from the gates after someone has been hooked and if bloodwarden can be confirmed and it would've been used at the start of endgame so there still would've been time to escape.
hahahaha i've definitely forgotten I didn't have blood warden! or I play many matches trying to get adept and then when I get it I change my perks…and forget.
Why would the claudette get banned? Her internet may have gone out for all anyone knows
I can rarely catch you live because of my timezone. I love your content though, you're so chill no matter what's going on in the game that it like makes me relax despite weird shit going on ingame
DC’ing is not an exploit. it’s shitty, but it’s not a bug or glitch. there’s nothing to exploit as the game literally gives you an option to exit the game
am I the only one who can't figure out how he was able to one shot the fang at 3:35?
Bro you should always equip BW, it is the coconut exclusive perk.