Sometimes You Play Nice and They're Still Jerks – Dead by Daylight

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Here’s a match where I have a guaranteed win condition and decide to not camp it out to be nice, then I get bagged anyway. FeelsBadMan
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36 thoughts on “Sometimes You Play Nice and They're Still Jerks – Dead by Daylight”

  1. "I won't be a better player if I win this way" mate, three chases in a row those survivors ran you to the busted ass pallet setup adjacent to shack, don't let your sense of ethics and fair play force you to make suboptimal decisions – no one's saying play like an asshole, but I am saying that don't make things harder on yourself than it needs to be, because survivors won't.

  2. I think the biggest reason bagging and bm'ing got to me so much was because I would OBVIOUSLY go out of my way playing nice. The amount of times I'd run right past the person who was unhooked to go for the unhooker, or ACTUALLY LEAVE THEM if the unhooker was hidden (also this was before basekit BT) was pretty much most of the time. Even when it was a god awful map. But thats when the bags start to happen. All it does is make people like me who didn't take it too seriously get jaded and get pushed further into tunneling if the chance came.

  3. I always comment to myself whenever I take notice of the killer playing nice. My swf is usually the same. I always appreciate when killers go for multiple hooks and actually interact with us. I also go out of my way to be less efficient on gens to return the favor and instead focus on altruism and pallet or flashy saves. Always make sure that the good manners are sent in return 🙂

  4. It really hurts me to see how good survivors don't even care about Plague infection. Especially, when Nemesis and Wesker exist.
    God, they almost got 3 escapes even being omeshot through entire match.

  5. More like sometimes you play nice and they're not jerks. As someone who effectively never camps or tunnels because I really just can't be bothered, the vast majority of survivors are still raging demo portal holes.

  6. I had this experience recently when going for Adept Dredge without playing a map offering where I got Thompson House. I didn't camp, tunnel, or slug, I got absolutely destroyed of course (all of the gens were completed in 6-7 mins, I got only a few hooks), and yet someone still wants to tbag me at pallets and the exit gate.

    I called them out on it saying they were being an ass for no reason and as usual, they made excuses for it as if that justifies the behavior. I really don't understand it because I'm trying not to play in a boring way that would make the match significantly easier for me, yet I'm treated as if I played the same way, which often encourages killers to do just that, then they're surprised when it happens somehow.

  7. survivors like these are why i have a hard time empathising with them. i played fair as ghostface after they sent me to coldwind, they got a 4-out, and the feng insulted me in indonesian saying i was “stupid”. southeast asian players. smh

  8. Not sometimes, often. Is there any wonder killers play the way they do when they get conditioned from the get go that they will get salt for playing well or BM for losing.

    I literally had a game yesterday where a SWF sent me to McMillan and brought emergency medkits with gel dressings and they came to my stream to tell me I'm a "cruel" person for playing smart and getting the win.

  9. Survivors tend to attribute the outcome of a match to their own skill rather than acknowledging when the killer is intentionally sandbagging. They don't see the killer pov so they can't know if some action you took was intentional or just the result of them outplaying you. For instance, a survivor may think that if the killer doesn't tunnel the unhooked teammate it's because they baited or mindgamed you into chasing them instead, attributing it to their own skilled play to protect a teammate rather than the killer avoiding tunneling as a courtesy. Ignoring a clearly visible survivor dead on hook at 5 gens that is hiding in a bush just makes them think they've juked you.
    Being nice doesn't do you any favour, survivors won't thank you for it, mostly won't notice it. If you have the chance to down a recently hooked survivor, go for it. If you can secure a second stage by camping at 4-5 gens, do it. If you want to be nice, do it to win less when you're already winning (e.g. 7 hooks at 4 gens), not when the match is still being played (like 5 hooks at 2 gens).

  10. I don't think the BM was for no reason. My guess is he was trying to piss you off, and bait you away from the gen that was almost done. Not everything is meant to be toxic for the sake of being toxic.

  11. Two on hook. Two on floor with huntress. No gens done. Picked one up. Allowed them to wiggle free to get unhook. Walked away to give them time to reset. Went hatchet only. 9 hook game I believe but three still t-bagged at the gate. Survivors will always be survivors.

  12. Follow up contrasting game. Midwich bubba game against a streamer. His team mates (unbeknownst to me at the time) are complaining the entire time. Effectively saying I’m cheating. The steamer is guessing (correctly) my perks and being a good sport. 3 out just the steamer at the door. Gives Med kit offering to my revved chainsaw. Against my better judgment I go ok why not. Let him go. Rewatched his stream the next day and his reaction was just so wholesome it made my day. Told his buddies “he’s not cheating he’s just playing well”. At the door he says “oh my god my hearts thumping I didn’t think he’d let me go”. This is what makes dbd great and is the thing you see the least. Probably my favorite interaction in a game (or one of). Point is play the way you think you should and hopefully you’ll end up against like minded people.

  13. I moved to Asian servers this last year. I sometimes join my friend back on east coast and every time we’ve played we’ve had Atleast 1 person help the killer to sandbag. Why is east coast so bad these days

  14. Yeah I play nice and I don't tunnel even though I should since most survivor mains are ungrateful tarts, but if I see a 3 gen I am taking it. Most of them are sore winners anyway so I might as well make them a sore loser as well.

  15. I had a team bring me to lerys as a doctor I realized there was a really nasty three gen but I main doc and decided not to be mean then I downed one survivor found out he had boil over and his teammates would body block for him. I immediately dropped him and never left that three gen. The game went on for at least an hour I got three of them.

  16. i mean given those medkits they only went into the game with the intent to sweat hard and roll the killer. glad medkits are getting nuked next patch


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