Sorting Chapter 24 Facts From Fiction – Dead by Daylight

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This video overviews the most recent post by DBDLeaks and the existing Five Nights at Freddy’s theories and rumors in the DBD community.

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47 thoughts on “Sorting Chapter 24 Facts From Fiction – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Im starting to believe the newspaper post do not have a hidden meaning at all. The text at least vary completely and have different information. The pictures are just different maps. The layout keeps staying the same , but if what dbd leaks posted is true, the layoit is meaningless aswell. Therefore they might just troll someone or occupy fans

  2. This stuff (people seeing fnaf in everything) is gonna keep happening until fnaf becomes a chapter. Like I'm certain even if bhvr straight up said it's not happening it wouldn't stop the speculations every license chapter.

  3. i honestly dont care, id be happy if it was an original non licensed killer, and id also be happy if it WAS lisensed. i just hope nobody will have their hopes up too high and be disappointed in the end

  4. When dbd news said it isn't FNAF, I thought that was that. However, the official dbd Twitter just posted another picture that is referencing FNAF…

    They posted a picture saying "are you winning, son". First thing to note is they've adjusted the meme from "are you winning, dad", for some reason, but why would this relate to April Fools anyway. One of the Dwight's has a cap just like the security guard uniform of FNAF, and they're watching the monitors – the gameplay of FNAF. The other Dwight is in the doorway, similar to how anamatronics sneak into the security room. The fact there's a father son relationship is significant as Michael Afton is the security guard in one of the games, and his father, William Afton, becomes Springtrap.

    At this point FNAF is either the chapter, or the devs are purposely creating red herrings. You can create coincidental links once or twice, but this is now multiple references.

  5. yeah that is true. I remember back in my FNAF phase we'd have to do crazy shit to see the teaser for the next Fnaf (Like turning brightness up on a blank PNG on Scott's website to see the outline of Springtrap for Fnaf 3). Kinda miss it ngl

  6. I think there’s a good chance it will be Pennywise, this is all circumstantial evidence but it is pretty sus: Cote stopped talking about IT and has stated that if a chapter is in the works they can’t discuss that license, Pennywise has an upcoming HBO prequel series that was just announced and it would be a good way to build hype for Pennywise again by adding him into the biggest Horror game ATM, the newspapers could be referring to IT as in the novel and the movie the Losers club track IT’s kills through history via news papers. Again Circumstantial, but the oddity of Cote avoiding the topic recently and the timing with the new show would be there.

  7. If BHVR keeps trolling people about FNAF, they better have something even more iconic or amazing for the anniversary. Otherwise, some fans might get quite angry, though I don't care about FNAF much myself.

  8. Is it really that difficult for people to not try and guess what the next chapter will be, and just wait for the release? I don't understand this will of tiring themselves with something they can't and won't be sure about until it gets released. And then at this point, it loses any meaning, if it ever had one.
    So why tire yourself with something you can't know ahead of time? Just wait.

  9. Well, The newspaper thing is not a coincidence at all. A little bit ago DBDLeaks used emojis. Sodako was 👻and they said next chapter was 🔥. And that could be a few things off the top of my head. Candyman, the thing, FNAF, Evil Within. At this point it could be anything that remotely has fire in it.

  10. Even if it isn't Fnaf, i still thinks it's kinda mean from bhvr's side, i mean they know a lot of people want a fnaf chapter, and they knew what they were doing with these newspapers.

  11. As a fnaf fan at one point I use to do the same thing but dbd and Scott are two different people, I think if they got Scott to do the teasers or copied Scott’s style it would be really obvious, I think if fnaf was to come into the game it should be how dbd teases it, I don’t hate fnaf, I have every game in the series but I don’t want the game to be apart of dbd as I feel like it’ll bring more toxicity than the game already has, fnaf is still technically a kids game and while stranger things was for a younger demographic than most of the series before hand it was still aimed more towards adults, we’ll have to see! Fingers crossed that the killer is a huge surprise! But at this point I’d just rather a original killer to stop the drama, I know it’ll be a disappointment but if the killer is good then I don’t care

  12. The anniversary chapter is not going to be five nights at Freddy's… you f.n.a.f fans and players need to quit doing this every time there is a new chapter coming into dead by daylight!! I know for a fact the devs have said numerous times that f.n.a.f is not coming any time soon!! Get it, got it good

  13. I’m not sure what to think of this, There is always something that happens to lower my hopes for a chapter I want that looks extremely likely. I’m starting to think that it isn’t fnaf and maybe candyman for the anniversary chapter. Candyman is still cool but not someone I would love to have in dbd. But I’ve already had a chapter I really wanted b4 so I can’t really complain. If it does turn out to be fnaf I will shit myself with joy xd

  14. The help wanted news papers are all because not queen left behavior interactive and dead by daylight.. they posted the help wanted due to her leaving and they need a replacement

  15. If FNAF isn’t the anniversary chapter, that’s fine but there’s no need to ruin the fun of guessing the new chapter (regarding what DBDLeaks and others said. Not you shmuckles). That’s one of my favourite things about DBD. Witnessing and speculating the new chapter by looking at the teasers and eliminating the possibilities of what it could be was very fun to see. My point is that people shouldn’t leak chapters and rule out potential chapters before the teasers, otherwise it’ll ruin the fun of speculating for the fans.


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