SPACEBILLY IS BACK | DBD Developer Update | Dead By Daylight

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Welcome in you fellow troglodytes

YOU READ THAT RIGHT! The last PTB / developer update in dead by daylight has brought back old pre 3.7.0 SpaceBilly to Dead By Daylight!
Once this makes it to live, we will finally be able to enjoy oldschool SpaceBilly again, HOPEFULLY!

I normally never read into any of these developer updates on the fora but this one was genuinely worth it. Obviously they didn’t mention it and they most probably just did something wrong BUT if this would actually make it to the live build, I would be the happiest hillbilly main alive!
Expect a montage soon πŸ˜‰

#DBDHillbilly #DBDkiller #DBDSpaceBilly

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38 thoughts on “SPACEBILLY IS BACK | DBD Developer Update | Dead By Daylight”

  1. Love the way this video was possible thanks to your community, I’m more than happy to be apart of it, was really fun to witness that hype around our billy boi <3

  2. So on Haddonfield Billy can "climb" a tree which if you get the right angle and time it correctly he will fly up into the air & if you're lucky enough you'll be able get on top of the roof. (Depends on what height you get)

  3. 3:29 just wanna put it out you can use any type of addons and you get the same height than with double bump double bump only makes it so you get more air time nothing more

  4. Huge change! I'm one of those ppl that used to play him frequently until he was nerfed, but this might genuinely bring back a huge wave of (former) Billy players πŸ˜€ leshhh gooo, so tired of boring killers being used frequently these days, Billy needs to return

  5. I feel like spacebilly is and should be a legacy part of the game that’s acccepted as is – and if you verse a skybilly/spacebilly you’ll probably have a great time anyways watching some sick jumps lol

  6. I just hope The Legion will be able to kick ass LIKE THEY USED TO!
    I know, Reks you said you don't like The Legion but they are my main killers!
    So I hope they will be knifier and faster than before!
    Considering they are the only killers which were outdated to the current META of the game and had no tools in chase and zero map pressure!
    And I'm also excited for The Ghostieface update!
    Being a huge fan of his movies is doing it's part of the passion!
    To close this 5.7.0 topic and a bit going to take a peek in the future I also would like to see THE PYRAMIDHEAD's add-ons pass!
    After The Legion gets updated The Pyramidhead is going to beat anti-record in the department of the most useless and worst add-ons in the game!
    Also Doctor needs a little shake up due to him being absolutely helpless without "rare" add-on called The Electrode!
    That's it!
    Hopefuly, the developers ARE NOT πŸ˜† watching your videos to keep sky Billy and space Billy safe!
    But I would like them to read your comments because… it needs to happen in 5.9.0!!!

  7. I mean this is supercool, and I'll definitely watch you use Space Billy cause it's crazy fun. But what are the advantages of getting launched vertically? I can only see getting an eagle's view, which to be fair feels like an exploit. Parkour Billy is legit for me on the other hand.

  8. I don't even care if it counts as an exploit; if I get downed by THAT I'll concede that I've been outskilled by a 4D chess grandmaster! Honestly, DBD needs more hilarious techs like this. DBD maps feel….2 dimensional. Breaking this mold with stuff like SkyBilly or ParkourPig or SkyBlight adds dimension to the game.


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