Speed Running as Dream | Dead by Daylight

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Im so good at holding M1 Im practically the Dream of Dead by Daylight

Hope you guys enjoyed the video! If you have any feedback on how I could improve, let me know in the comments!
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21 thoughts on “Speed Running as Dream | Dead by Daylight”

  1. You know what would've been great? If you pre-recorded a perfect game but typed extremely loud and unnecessarily similar to the discord speedrun memes.

    Example: (not a rickroll promise, that was just a phase that 1 time): https://youtu.be/gpyPwp9tYTk

    Then you just add commentary describing what you are doing every energetically like "OKAY GOTTA fix this gen"
    "We're getting chased, gotta lose him"
    "Vault this specific window*
    "Loot this specific chest"
    "Blind him"
    "Throw down this pallet"
    "Hide behind this gen"
    Just point out everything even if its specific. You don't have to. But just… would've been great. I leave long comments ;-;


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