Spicy Dwight indeed! – Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Streamed at twitch.tv/zeb89


5 thoughts on “Spicy Dwight indeed! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hi zeb i really appreciate your yt videos since years and years you are my favorite youtuber and streamer my English is not Perfect but since your decision to change language i start to try to improve in English to follow in a better way your contents the only things that i dont understand is why i cant speak italian in your live without get banned i understand your decision but for people like me that are your fans can be complicated follow your live speak and comments all in English.Thanks for all i really like all your videos and your person.(sorry for bad English i tried to write like this cause i respect you)

  2. Some advice with Wesker, I found that standing perfectly still after vaulting a god pallet triggers the hit, or moving instantly backwards. It did look weird tho, like a ping thing or a mechanic not working as intended. Good lunges by the way, I was questioning your approach on a few of them but you surprised me 👍🏻


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