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Spirit will be mine, oh yes, she will be mine!
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#chomperzz #dbd
No offense Chomperzz but… This is the one of the stupidest idea for a game I’ve seen in a long time. It’s sad that the company spent money making this knowing there was a community of weirdo losers that will be drooling to play it instead of spending that money on a decent DLC instead of another Resident Evil cash grab to keep there IP relevant after all the different versions they’ve made now. Lol
Shouldn’t they be working on DBD? And you know not something else ._.
Edit: because they still haven’t fixed DBD
Evil Dead’s looking quite different….
When did this dbd update come out
This was the greatest thing since the first time a man milked a cow. Spirit is S tier waifu btw.
I think the only time I’ve audible laughed at a video was when chompzz said “ we’re already getting penetrated“
Of course spirit is S tier in both these games lmfao
This video is so entertaining, every single second is hilarious, and your narrating is awesome
Spirit S Tier
Incredible narration had me dying at some points
IMAGINE nemesus was in this game
This feels unreal….but it is real
I wonder what other characters are there, cuz trickster was a surprise
The Lord of Filth has arrived. Keep doin your thing big sexy
Watch Part 2 now!