SpooknJukes HYPOCRISY Sends HATE For NO REASON… | Dead By Daylight

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Disclaimer – This video is not out to attack SpooknJukes, but the opinions and oppresive nature this video has, targetting hate towards another individual on no real basis.

So, I make one video, concerning what I percieve to be griefing gameplay, in a satirical view, Spooks calls me out, targets me for hate, in a completely exagerated distortion of what I was trying to achieve with this content.
Being a guy that has thrived off Salty Streamers, or DBD Drama, then to try and escape it saying he does not want to create a Toxic Enviroment, all to go 100% at me on a video that isn’t even remotely toxic towards an individual but the playstyle performed in this video, Spooks is reaching here, but you be the judge.
00:00 – Intro
01:49 – Thumbnails / Titles
02:52 – Ayrun Debate
05:06 – Killers vs Survivors
05:45 – Influences
08:15 – Looping Mistakes
09:26 – Solo Carry MMR
11:27 – Comment on Loops
12:45 – MMR Solo Cont
14:31 – Closing Statements
15:06 – What Survivor Did
16:58 – Ranting / Ending

I plan to do a follow up video regarding the video in question –

Ayrun vs ManFaceJay Playlist that SpooknJukes Mentioned

Time Zones for Streams
20:30 UK – Every Day.

– My Social Media Platforms –


More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


21 thoughts on “SpooknJukes HYPOCRISY Sends HATE For NO REASON… | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I watching the initial video when it was released. The way I interpreted it was from Jay maining killer. Most killers love this kind of survivor. He might of got more points because he got points in most categories. However if you was surviving with this comp player it would have been frustrating. I think Jay released this video as a comedy video. I personally found it hilarious. A price of advise to Jay would of been to contact Comp player and show him the video 1st as I think it would have been good etiquette between streamers. Bang in a link to his stream and explain to him that its satirical. If he goes for it explain all this at the start of the video and you wouldn't have all this hassle. Drop a link into his stream also.

  2. What annoyed me as well in spooks comments I noticed that huntress player who was racist in one of your videos commenting and saying you think you know someone. Anyway yeah, I agree as I solo q all the time and it is hell I tell u. It is very rare I am put with a good team who actually do stuff. The thing I didn't like about spooks is the way he was mocking you that really pissed me off. The thing with spooks as well I seen his gameplay before and he just messes around as well not playing the game right sometimes, i get it they like to have fun but what about the rest of the people in the match.

  3. I think it's futile to argue issues in DBD. It's such a strange video game with an obnoxious community. It's an horror game, but in the end it's just a game that renders you crazy because you are mixed other people online with different mindset. That is the big problem with online video games…

  4. I used to watch that guy some time ago but stopped watching him and glad I never bothered to subscribe to him. He defends everyone and everything for clout and to look like 'the better person' while he's exactly what many people complain about they don't like about people who mainly play survivors.
    I personally think you had all right to make a video on that one guy, because that person was just an example of so many who play like that. That's the people who complain about a match, talk shit in chT afterwards Eventhough they didn't do anything and it's also them who would, once they reach a certain level of subs, talk about other streamers (just like that one did about you Jay), open profiles infront of their following and send hate towards them. I'm not surprised on how many little shiny armor people I spot in the comments and it's funny how most of them start with the same phrase trying to, exactly like SOMEONE else, sound like the better people and wise while.. They're not.

    The hypocrisy is real. Only that he must defend the poor poor distressed survivor player boohoo.

    It's even funny how people say you're so negative.. While the most Videos I watched from the other streamer were the very same topic and he had loads of it.. Even his fans adapt.

    Edit: He didn't do any research from what I can see, he's only talking about anything that comes to his mind, pretending he knows everything you are thinking and intending. He only tries to look like some kind of big warrior and knight – just like his fans.
    He has clearely not seen any videos, done no research, just jumps to conclusions without watching anything without any understanding.
    And his laugh shows the ignorance he's in.

    People didn't like that survivor because he wastes time, I play that game and don't want to be stuck there for longer than I need to in one match especially with a teammate that doesn't do anything.

    Yeah him saying you're saying everything is bad means he didn't watch anything. You said people shouldn't just do nothing. You even later in stream said you don't dislike rap music, you even listen to it occasionally.
    That guy is such a hyprocrite. He just takes out your words and twists them.

    The rap music made the whole thing funny! It's not hate it's just that it is funny when seeing what's happening.

    I'm glad I stopped watching him. I found it even weird that he linked that guy's twitch in his comments like "uuuu let's give him love" idk that's so cringey to jump in on something that has nothing to do with them.
    That survivor wasted everyone's time
    He didn't do anything
    Not even the killer wanted him!
    I think it's fine if someone goes down who Does something.

    Also.. It's funny how he only shows the video part where you go down. But not where the guy "looped" after doing nothing, basically.

    Edit: I've seen survivors carry the match but that guy didn't do anything. They waited for the killer to get to them as if said killer will specifically search him. He didn't even jump in to get in the way or help with anything. He was just not a good teammate and dragged the game for everyone.
    Srsly that streamer never did any research especially at the end it's obvious he doesn't know what he's talking about. You don't tell people that they suck or sth when they make a mistske, mistakes are normal. But if someone is consistently useless in a match then yah, if you soooo badly want to be chased and then go Dow in 5 seconds? Well…

    Also spook made this bigger than it is. But he is out here saying how bad Jay is, andmaking him appear like some villain and some arrogant person which that isn't even the case. The only hypocrite here is him and he so lovely showed it.

  5. He wasn't be hateful? He was defending a dude YOU were being hateful torrid- Over. A. Game. To be quite frank you're kind of making an ass out of yourself

    Just take a break, Dude. You made two 20 minute rant videos over a video game.

  6. Listen to this entitled survivor crying because he got called out for trolling other streamers. Oh and said person made more points than you right? So stop trolling. Jay you are entitled

  7. You tell killer players they are able to play however they want even if it's viewed as toxic and to not care about the fun of the survivors but your blood boils over at survivor streamers playing in a way they want. Even though he scored more points than you and died after you and tried to save your ass multiple times. All while he was distracted with a discord call and playing on his phone.

    I'm sorry dude but no matter how much you whine and complain, you're a hypocrite. You try to force survivors to play a certain way because you're an entitled killer player. It is how it is. This game has a "stupid us versus them" mentality and you seem to hate any survivor streamer you come across. Jealousy maybe?

  8. Let's see, you never mentioned the DC player, he scored higher than you and your wife, and now you're backpedaling cause you got called out when the man spat facts.

    Why you so mad egg shaped ed boy? It is just game.

  9. I am sorry but I can not support someone who I now see as a hypocrite, I have enjoyed your content for quite awhile and I thank you for that but at this time I am going to un sub, I wish you luck in your future endeavors.


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