Stabby Legion is now surprisingly viable | Dead by Daylight

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The add-on combination of “Stab Wound Study” and “Frank’s Mixtape” used to be absolutely broken in the original Legion release. Using both add-ons, you could quickly stab a Survivor three times in a short duration and secure a down with basically zero counterplay. While not as strong as before, the recent buffs to these add-ons have made this strategy somewhat viable again.

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34 thoughts on “Stabby Legion is now surprisingly viable | Dead by Daylight”

  1. For those asking: Frank's Mixtape allows you to reduce the bleed out timer with every additional stab from Feral Frenzy. Paired with the Stab Wound Study (which reduces the starting timer) and with some forced vaults/pallet drops/extra stabs, you can down Survivors mid-chase!

  2. It's cool and all that Legion is stronger now but I hope they look at this because these add-ons were nerfed to shit for a reason.
    There isn't really any counterplay or interactivity to this style of chase, Legion needs actual buffs not this bs.

  3. So I haven’t played DbD in awhile and I come back to find my Pig nerfed into the ground. HDJAGSJFKSHDHSJAKAJJDKAKSDJKSKAHSJDKS. INACTIVE BEAR TRAPS? TRAPS BECOME INACTIVE UPON CHASE? WTF DID THEY DO

  4. I would like to personally thank you for poisoning Dead By Daylight with your bitching and complaining 24/7 about how "Survivors are OP" when they aren't. Bias comments to get shit nerfed because YOU couldn't deal with it, so the whole Dead By Daylight community, specifically survivors had to deal with the bogus nerfs, and their team not caring about survivors. not finna waste my time on a game that doesn't give a fuck about what I prefer to play, aint no game finna out right disrespect me and expect to pay them money for it. "the killer can see your exact location after hooking a survivor for 8 seconds" hide in a locker ? there's a perk for that. Get a perk to counter it? there's a cool down and it costs money plus in game grinding just to get it. but fair right? "after you complete a gen the killer can see your location for 8 seconds" "the killer can one shot after you unhook a survivor" "you clean the killer's OP totems slower and he can see you" "there's killers in dead by daylight can do nothing skillful and one shot" "if you're around the killer there's not one, but two perks that lets him know you're close to him, so he can look around until he finds you and killers who have add ons that can see your exact location without those perks, and they can still run the perks to make it easier" "almost done with a generator? well the killers have a perk that shows him what gen you're on, and it's 70% done." what do survivors get in dbd ? cool down perks that take a whole ass 30 to 60 seconds to recharge while you're not sprinting. They don't stack. you can stun the killer for like 3 seconds. and guess what? the killers have perks for that too ! flashlights are dog shit on console. but the killers have perks to counter blindness ! there's literally nothing to do about camping. how do they expect both sides to have fun with the game? it's one sided. "you just gotta learn how to counter it, killers are under powered" bullshit, you're bias as fuck. they dead ass reward the killer for getting looped too hard. blood lust plus blocking windows after 3 vaults. and they have a perk to counter vaulting. half the time vaulting doesn't even work properly for survivors. if you vault from the wrong angle it medium vaults. if they're just gonna say fuck survivors because of shitty ass bias YouTubers, then fuck their game.

  5. I paused at the perfect time around 0:07 where all i heard was "im not giving you guys hugs-"… And I couldnt help but worry and laugh… A good pause, but dam did it sound heartless 😂😂😂

  6. On the topic of keys, I really feel like the key nerfs were just too much; that is, on all gens being done, it should still appear regardless and the time to open it shouldn't be a thing. And I've long heavily advocated keys being destroyed lol


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