Stacks Being Removed SUCKS | Dead by Daylight

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17 thoughts on “Stacks Being Removed SUCKS | Dead by Daylight”

  1. These are the same devs that nerfed wraith and added a overheat to hillbilly, nothing surprises me with what they do anymore.
    Atleast WGLF got an added endurance effect lol bbq is just gonna be used on high mobility killers i guess and i wouldn't be surprised if its usage goes to the very bottom.
    They were a problem because in the case of bbq, the killers with no mobility would only benefit from the bp at the end of the game and couldn't do much with the auras i know as a hag i would never use bbq because it was like running no perk in the game sure id know if survivors were close or far but what is that vs something like Franklin's demise to get rid of items or blood echo to stop exhaustion perk or something else that is more useful than bbq for some of these killers that need more help vs competent teams.

  2. They (BHVR) do too much at once

    Changing 40 perks + base game mechanics is a lot considering how long it takes to “fix “ one character or how they rush out new a chapter every 3 to 6 months (which may or may not make things worse) while there are pre-existing problems they should address before adding something to “counter” it ..

  3. as odd as it sounds, BBQ and WGLF should've just been made basekit instead of the odd bloodpoint "upgrade". It would have encouraged more interaction between both killer and survivor and rewarding them both for it. killing two crows with one hatchet.

  4. As a killer main that uses BBQ on every single killer, I mainly use it for aura reading, the bloodpoint effects were an added bonus. However, I believe BBQ has more of an effect on the game than just bloodpoints. I believe that BBQ encouraged killers to actually leave the hook and progress the game. This is the way that I use BBQ. I chase hook, see aura, start the next chase. For many others, though, BBQ has been important because of the amount of bloodpoints it brings in to help with the grind. With the amount of changes BHVR is doing to the grind and bloodwebs, I believe that this will only make the grind longer, especially with the stacks being removed from BBQ.

    Essentially, BBQ encouraged healthy gameplay for the game while rewarding fairly to the killer. Without this added bonus, I think more killers will run BBQ less as they don't feel "forced" to run it for bloodpoints. Without BBQ, I believe that we will be seeing more perks that could provide value, whether it be a slowdown (which the new meta seems geared towards) or other gimmick perks. However, with the changes BHVR is making to the game, I believe that slowdown perks will be seen far more and it will push the game into a much unhealthier state. I fully believe that the lack of BBQ will force killers to change their preferred play style be able to "keep up" in the new meta due to the lack of bloodpoints stacks.

    BBQ as a perk was never an issue, it was never a problem, and it could not be abused. It was a perk that rewarded fair and healthy gameplay. If there is no incentive or reward to BBQ other than aura reading, then killers will be less inclined to run this perk and instead use a perk in which they will get value and feel rewarded, thus helping them perform well in this new meta. Killers will feel the need to run slowdown perks and try harder to make up for the lack of bloodpoints being offered by BBQ. In my opinion, the change to BBQ was not needed and will only hurt the game in the long run.

  5. If you don't care about stacks anymore, you still get info. It's useful if you want to proxy camp or tunnel and that will be the only reason to run it.

  6. Lets assume they truly reduced the grind by 75% and BBQ/ WGLF dont give you Double BP. So, in reality, they just reduced the grind in 25%. And also, the new prestige sistem only gonna benefit us, the veterans, while a new player will still need to grind ALL the way up to P3 with all characters. Yeah, this changes in particular I didnt like plus the reward for P3 before the new sistem sucks.

  7. I'm so conflicted about these two perk changes, on the one hand I completely agree with you these perks didn't need changing they were both perfectly fine, on the other hand I always felt like I had to bring bbq as killer not because I wanted the aura reading but because I wanted the extra blood points and therefore in most matches I was picking 3 perks I wanted plus bbq. I kinda like that the pressure to require BBQ for bps is gone with this update you can now choose it because you want it not because you want the bps. I would however have liked to see them make the bp rewards for both these perks basekit.

  8. I believe that the reason they had the BP factor removed was to see if people still use the perks for what they actually do thus making them easier to make balance decisions

    For example: If BBQ was only the BP bonus, people would still use it obviously
    As it is now on live, people use it a lot
    So I’m guessing they want to see if people will use it for just the aura reading
    I’d imagine, if the perk rate drops heavily, they’ll probably buff the aura reading. If the pick rate stays the same, it won’t get any changes. If the pick rate (somehow) goes up, I’d imagine it’ll get a real nerf.

    That’s just a guess knowing BHVR’s mentality.

  9. I think someone did the math and found that they actually increased the overall grind. Or maybe it was just the initial grind to get your first few characters maxed, but still, increasing the grind for new players is probably not the way to go

  10. I think the stacks could be there for both sides, but why not change them? Maybe for BBQ you could have the range get larger by covering closer to the hook by 8 meters. I dont have anything for WGLF at the moment, but personally I run that perk alot and dont really care about the pts as much as i like picking up slugs fast. It could get something else though. Wait, didnt it get an endurance status effect? I may be wrong, but it might already have something. I also think it needs to be adressed that there are bonuses being added to playing roles for free basically when the mid chapter comes out and nobody is talking about that when they are debunking the grind reduction. I dont personally buy all the bs people are spreading with that. For killer alone it will for sure be better. Survivor is debateable, but that depends on what the bonuses are going to be for playing the more needed side.

  11. I really feel like my point is always misconstrued on this argument.
    I'm not happy to get less blood points. I agree that with the BP they encourage healthy gameplay. However, it should not be the responsibility of a perk to try and fix any problem with the game. Most of us lament feeling forced to bring BT + 3 other perks? That's how I feel about BBQ. I'm tired, and I'm sure many others are tired of feeling chained to a perk. I want to run builds that aren't BBQ + 3 perks. So ultimately, yes, it is a necessary evil to remove the bloodpoint bonuses from the perks so people run them for the effect, not the bloodpoints.
    They probably could have added something else to BBQ like they did WGLF, but they changed nothing about the functionality of the perk. It still does what it's supposed to do gameplay-wise.
    If there's an issue with the grind or BP earned, that needs to be addressed as part of the base game. The matchmaking incentives are a good start, since they go up to potentially what the bonus from BBQ and WGLF would have been. But I'd also like to see things like increasing the max base BP you can earn from a match and increasing how many BP certain interactions give in a match instead of just forcing people to run a specific perk every single game if they want more BP.
    I feel like they're on the right track to reducing the grind with the upcoming changes, the system just needs a few tweaks because I'll agree that as is from the PTB it will make the add-on grind harder. They also need to reduce or remove the 50k to prestige a level and it would be nice to still have some sort of teachable system. But technically, it does really reduce the grind once you already have all the characters to P3 since you will no longer need so many BP to get perks on new characters.

    I'm glad I can run something other than BBQ without a fear of missing out, but still run BBQ in a build if I want the aura effect. Increase BP gains elsewhere as part of normal gameplay if BP is a problem.

  12. All they had to do was remove prestigings ability to delete all of your rewards, remove the blood point
    Cap, and just make the BP gain just doubled/tripled in general, or make the blood point stack systems from those perks base kit to make everyone play in healthier ways. Like removing perk tiers isn’t even necessary if you just give us more Blood points and don’t delete our old perks


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