Stealth Legion is surprisingly viable | Dead by Daylight

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This stealth Legion build is surprisingly viable โ€“ Allowing you to locate and damage unaware Survivors!
Dead by Daylight
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28 thoughts on “Stealth Legion is surprisingly viable | Dead by Daylight”

  1. As much as I like the changes of the new update. IT DOES NOT ADDRESS THE CORE ISSUE that Gen rates are out of control. Pain res, Over charge, Call, Those were the only means of fixing the insane speed survivors had. I don't know how much healing changes will effect it but I have a feeling that it will do almost nothing.

    Also Fuck deadhard that shit needed to die harder.

  2. A few months ago i ran into a legion doing this and it was a pretty wild experience. I congratulated him after because it was so different and effective

  3. How I understand your build, The Frank's mixtape is just for the better soundtrack with the Susie's mixtape! ๐Ÿ˜€ (I have also a idea for the parkour Legion build: Bamboozle, Superior Anatomy, Enduring, Spirit Fury. But devs made the Bamboozle and etc. No longer working Anymore in Feral Frenzy and i was so sad! ๐Ÿ™

  4. great video tat! you should definitely make more videos like this, your videos and streams are amazing, always fun and enjoyable to watch ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Would love to see some Sunglasses Ruler Lery's action once you no longer feel the way you are
    It's just a very simple shake up in playstyle reminiscent of jump scare Myers, some of the games I've got with it were really really fast ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜ฉ

  6. I really enjoyed the style of the video! I like watching pretty much anything you put out but I liked seeing a more structured video rather than just gameplay taken straight from your streams :]

  7. I've been enjoying another variant of stealth legion.
    Addons: Etched Ruler + Stylish Sunglasses
    Perks: BBQ, Nurses, Sloppy, Lethal Pursuer

    I do take myself to Lery's for what I call "Scratched Mirror Legion". It really is a fresh way to plkay them and it throws survivors off alot. You do lose tracking due to the oblivious without Susie's but the aura read on mend is good plus all the spooks you give people make them wanna heal. (thus Nurse's)

  8. Yeah honestly just play whatever killer u want fam, but if ur looking for an alternate stealth build, I recommend Sunglasses, Yellow Ruler, Dark Devo, Plaything, Blood Echo, and Nurseโ€™s. You sacrifice KI tracking for aura reading. Iโ€™ve gotten so much success catching even incredibly good survivors off guard with it.

  9. If I had a nickel for every time Tat thought the wrong Dwight was his obsession in this video, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice

  10. Really like this kind of video. Nice to hear your thoughts on the game and how you feel about everything (content wise, current meta, future updates, etc.) while playing a game in the background. It's a nice mix. Definitely wouldn't mind more stuff like this ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. If you lack ideas for new content i would suggest you to focus on teaching new players. I feel like DbD community especially when it comes to killer lacks a lot of teaching videos. For example perks, i would lack to add diversity to my builds but some combo are years old and idk if its the same as before or not. You should defo make a longer video explaining all the various build and their utility / why you build them etc. With footages ! It'll make you busy for a time and you"ll help every Legion players in the world, xoxo !

  12. The game is losing unique mechanics lastly. Burn mechanic gone, boons bad or gutted, scourges dead, dead hard would just not give speed boost and would be fine, call of brine was totally ok imo just it shouldnt stack with overcharge. But whatever, making less options to do and play will lead to even more stale gameplay and we didnt recevie any interesting perks reworks. I dunno.


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