Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
it’s potatoghosty here!
BASICALLY I was trying to record DBD videos and OMG people kept RAGE QUITTING ALL DAY!
I had easily over 10+ games with people constantly DCING!
So you can suffer with me 🙂
Well that’s spoiling the whole part of the video 🙂
Use code Potatolegion:
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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”
🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵
#DeadbyDaylight #intothefog #DBD #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer
It’s because you’re too good man that’s why they’re quitting and plus ghost face new outfit are perfect for camouflage.
I faced a streamer as Ghostface just the other day. He got pulled off a gen in the first minute and almost immediately disconnected. Spent the rest of the match spectator and talking about what a loser I was for being Ghostface on Midwich. I didn't even pick the location (-_-)
I don’t think it’s anything you’re doing; with the most recent pass, there were the ghost face cosmetics, and at least personally, I’ve fought a LOT of ghost faces in the past couple weeks. I’m not one to RQ but it does get boring facing the same killer on repeat
Tbh I don’t mind playing against ghost face it just feels like… idk he’s so common and also has a way of just being annoying as shit. Like there are way way more annoying killers, he just isn’t all that fun to play against, and you combine that with the fact that 90% of the ghost faces I’ve gone against recently only camp and tunnel for every hook and it just… it just gets repetitive and old. I would never DC against him, but he’s one of those killers that makes me go “ugh not this guy again”
Simple, I spent a day playing trying to hit iri 1 and I went against SEVEN ghost faces in a row. Got so bad I lose all my pips when I was 1 away and I just gave up whenever I came across a ghost face that day. Most survivors dc because we like having fun, not going against the same 1 or 2 killers. Hope that helps
Tbf I’m sick of going against ghost face. I swear 80% of my matches are against a ghost face.
Yes because lets add killer that causes panic attacks
Imagine DCing against fucking ghostface when you’re playing in one of the most survivor sided maps of the game 💀💀💀 baby ass survivor had an incredibly strong loop going into shack and she still ragequit, what a shit player
It's the jumpscares lol, too much for their hearts lol
I personally hate going against ghostface, But I still don't disconnect or kill myself on hook Because I don't want to abandon my team.
Maybe in certain situations I will kill myself on hook if it's the best strategic choice to let the last person get the hatch Or if the match is just that unsalvageable. But I usually at least try before it comes to that
I still hate playing against him though
Yes, as a ghostface main who has almost every other game and many videos with them the survivors DC and try to die on hook sooooo much! I'm always like come on guys it's not that bad!😭 I do get most DC's I feel like the faster I down someone early on. The ones I am confused about are when one survivor gets downed so many of their teammates who were not downed or hooked DC. Like hello, I haven't even chased you yet, I got your teammate, why are you dcing!?
the only ghostface i “gave up” against was a devour hope stealth totem protector and i kept getting interrupted trying to break the totem, i looked like i quit mid match but i was called away by my mother in law because she wanted to give me random pairs of socks lol
I just see a bunch of crybaby survivors that will dc when things don't go their way. It dosent matter wich killer u choose. Cos remember, being a good killer and taking good decisions go against the survivors rulebook.
ghostface and wesker are the two most common killer i go against. when maps seem to come up on rotations where you'll seem to get the same one all night, playing the same level/killer over and over is kinda annoying. doesn't excuse dcing, i never dc, but i get it. especially with "meta" perks being a thing and killers running similar builds. same argument of course could be make about survivors running the same shit all the time and gen rushing i reckon.
killers need to stop camping
and yes going away for 10 secs and going right back to hook the rescuer is fuking camping
Tbh I had the same issue but with blight. Idk what's going on
I literally just played a few games with the Dredge add on that starts everyone in nightfall and got at least one immediate DC everytime or a survivor that just runs up to me because they dont want to play against that. Like get over it just play and try at least no need to ruin everyones experience because of it. I just slug them and make them stay till they bleed out. If they wanna play the petty game i can be worse buddy 🙂
Solo q…. . If your teammates are shit and the killer has 6 hooks and only 1 gen has popped.
Its a shit game.
Love the intro
I've found that Survivors and Killers often DC for the same reason:
You outplayed them and they didn't like it.
Unfortunately, Survivor DCs don't end the game so their teammates gotta deal with the fallout.
I don't understand DCing against a Ghostface though.
I’m a p100 blight and p100 huntress and I hit amazing shots and people dc
Not tryna sound like a dikhead but the only reason why I would dc is because of that ungodly washing machine ghost face theme music 🫠🔫, I would rather shove a knife in my ears than listen to that. Absolutely the fuk not fix it devs that’s your job.🙄