STOP RAGE QUITTING! – Dead by Daylight!

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16 thoughts on “STOP RAGE QUITTING! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. You are right about rage quitting, at the same time it is satisfying to dip out when you instantly know a match is just a waste of time whether the killer plays a certain way(no shame in that) or your teammates are eating glue instead of doing gens.

  2. Being killer main, 3000h, I just can say how ridiculous the nurse is.
    The new meta killers perks are good but they have made the nurse and blight too strong. But when developpers are stupid like BHVR.
    Sorry for my English i'm French.

  3. What's more irritating than rage quitters are the DCers who DC riiiiight when you're about to hook them. Like they knew the exact time to maximize how to literally waste your time. It's a little extra aggravating when hooks are part of the challenge you're trying to finish.

  4. I've seen people argue that nurse isn't the best killer because she's hardest to use. That's a defeatist way of thinking. While it's true that nurse has a big learning curve (arguably the biggest) that doesn't change the fact that her abilities mechanically breaks rules of the game and makes her the most superior of the killers. It's insane to me how people just don't understand that.


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