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This match drained me hard, I was off all Stream after this game, I was suspicious of everything! – sometimes its good to go back and have a look. I just thought I played rough and the map was rough… wow.
Subtle Cheaters are the worst…
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More about Dead By Daylight:
A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.
I wouldn't even notice that either until rewatching it
Your sbmm must be super high to keep getting cheaters that's insane
Just a suggestion; maybe lower the volume of the original video when rewatching. It can be hard to understand what you’re saying while analyzing when you’re talking at the same time as in the match clip.
I’m just nitpicking lol. Absolutely love the content you put out. Keep it up ManFace 💜
you should mute the original video cuz its impossible to understand what you are saying sometimes lol
I can barely understand this video at all because of the volume. Probbaly should've muted original vid
Love ya videos, Like comment and subscribe to help grow, Killers need as much motivation as they can get atm.
yeah they decided to accelerate the last gens in order to make an easy escape and then troll in end game like they are good or something.
Could’ve muted the game footage or lowered it… instead of having 2 at the same volume…
I have these games alot where I'm wondering wtf is going on cause I'm chasing 2 people and 3 gens pop I need to start recording my gameplay lol
I smh when my brother used to put in the Konami code for contra. Let's just get better 2 player. This is just disappointing
You NEED to mute or lower the volume when doing these kind of video. We can't understand you at all
Just pressure gens
great detective work. Its a new mini game in dbd lol
My sus lands on the David, as Felix and green apron Claudette are innocent and the other was running around too. Also, at 0:50, he runs faster than you to that jungle gym and you never catch up.
Obviously there are cheaters in this game but I'm playing Devils Advocate here: The Felix might have kobe'd. Obviously there is no point in trying that at that stage and the whole game was rigged from the start but that is still a possible, valid explanation.
Maybe itll be answer the more i watch but maybe the david was working on that gen and before tinkerer popped, he left to go get the unhook and then whoever completed the house gen ran down to the gen that david may have been on? Maybe, i may have missed something or itll be answered further into the video.
I had a match a couple weeks ago with the same type of thing. I played as Oni, was on the eerie of crow map which already is a pretty hard map for killer. Had one gen pop with in like 40 secs then like 20 seconds later two more tinkerer procs on two gens at the exact same time then 30 seconds later the last two gens proc tinkerer at the same time again. Like 2 mins and all gens were done and i got one hook after 3 gens were finished
Saw this on stream. Honestly mental
What worries me is that I now suspect cheating all of the time.
The 2 gens at the start are normal. If the one with the toolbox did the solo and 2 were on another gen it takes about 50secs for 2 to complete a gen. The rest is questionable, that's fair!
Good video brotha
I have games that last a total of 5 minutes, and the reason for this, all console players of course all bring toolboxes with good addons every one of my games, and I try and have fun and don't bring full meta gen perks lol, 2 gens would also pop in 1 minute of my game but its coz of the 4 prove thyself's and all toolboxes
.. Cheating in this game is Already low
But being that obvious with it is just an audacity at this point XD still was fun to watch.
I don't understand why they subtle hack and use perks that they don't have equipped. i get ths a fair bit
I dint know if you ever seen other style if videos like this but they usually stop the video to explain. The past and the present you make each other not incomprehensible
This "Felix" was on your stream yesterday ( at least someone said he was him ) I wonder what was he thinking than 🤣🤣
Its sad to say now in games if someone is doing very well you have to think in the back of your head "are they cheating"?. Its a sad time for online games 😔
I really love your videos, the only minor thing I would say is to make it so your in-game audio and real-time audio don't overlap. Otherwise, great content as always, keep it up! 😀
The first gens, if we allow perks and items, a two person prove thyself gen takes ~40 seconds (IIRC it's 1.98 charges per second), a brand new part saves about 20 seconds, and a commodious tool box with max charge add-ons and streetwise saves a little over 21 seconds. It's possible for the gens to have been done that fast, but I'm just going to guess nobody brought any of that
I just played against a non subtle cheater that escaped at 5 gens by herself aka Zarina with a private steam account. High Skill MMR= more cheaters.
Why cheat ?
It's funny I was thinking of using a stopwatch as this happens a lot to me.
i love the unapologetic mentality, youre a breath of fresh air in the community, keep up the good videos comming and hope you reach 500k
2 jays talking over each other 😂