Survivor Compliments Killers Efficient Play – Dead by Daylight

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A very nice survivor telling me I played well. Nothing more to it… lol

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #wow #groundbreaking #worldnews

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23 thoughts on “Survivor Compliments Killers Efficient Play – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Camping tunneling…but they're hiding with all their might while gen rushing. What else is the Killer supposed to do check all the bushes on the entire map?

  2. Had a game as survivor yesterday where Only 2 gens got done, and I was doing 2 minute chases and not getting caught meanwhile, got one dude knocking out gens and when he was getting chased (he lasted 2 seconds), I was on gens and he finished the one I was working on while I was doing a chase across the map. Killer was Doctor and I made damn sure he worked for it cause I used a pallet to save someone as well as when I was last person standing, I managed to escape from him twice. unfortunately, third time I didn't get enough great skill checks and if I had gotten 1 more, I'd of broke free. Still was fun, he wasn't toxic and we had a laugh in the after match txt chat.

  3. Survivors when TrU3 plays nice: "TrU3Tunneller!!!11 TrU3Camper!!!!111"
    Survivors when TrU3 starts tunnelling and camping after enduring years of their verbal abuse: [surprised Pikachu face]

  4. I had a game as Blight before mmr was a thing, complete potato team did everything wrong. I could've ended the game in 3 minutes because they kept messing up but didn't because I wanted to give them a chance to have a good game, I purposely looped worse, let them get free saves, even started practicing hug tech and potential strategies mid game while letting them do gens, 12 hooks and was called toxic, camping, and op killer abuser. They had around 600 hrs combined but felt they deseved to win that match when I have over 2k hours

  5. @tru, I sadly see the opposite of what you see. I see nothing but toxic killers where survivors cannot do anything. Let us add more gens or something. All this talk is causing the community to get worse, which makes this game worse. I think you are a fantastic player, and I agree with you.


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