SURVIVOR HACKS TO BEAT GHOSTFACE! Dead by Daylight | 30 Days of Ghostface – Day 12

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#redsgaminggears #dbd #Ghostface
Dead by Daylight New Killer for 30 day series is 30 Days of Ghostface! Day 12! Today’s Ghostface gameplay is a really close match that happened a few streams ago and was super close til the hacks came out! Dead by Daylight Resident evil comes out in a week and i hope you are all ready after the dbd new killer trickster was quite the disappointment! I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Ghostface Gameplay!
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40 thoughts on “SURVIVOR HACKS TO BEAT GHOSTFACE! Dead by Daylight | 30 Days of Ghostface – Day 12”

  1. On the Twelfth day of Ghostmas, my streamer gave to me:

    Twelve Losers Fengmins zooming, Eleven Butchers slashing,

    Ten Gens exploding, Nine Slugs Crawling,

    Eight Screams for Ghostie, Seven entities blocking,

    Six Ghostlock builds, Five Adept wins,

    Four pallets melting, Three Claudette Selfies,

    Two Hawkins matches and A Devil Stalking in a Factory

  2. Yeah who knows where else she was hacking, just making it less obvious. Maybe when Red wasn't around she was zooming from gen to gen, or insta healing people. The fact that she was cheating throws the whole game under suspicion.

  3. Hacking is becoming common. I used to bump into them. But I had went against a hacking trapper, and a hacking Feng that was trying to hide their hacks, but they were making loops that there were no way of them making them, vacuuming to vaults from so far.

  4. I've been seeing alot of survivor hack videos the last few days mainly from tur jay. Is there something going on? I'm still new to the game but havnt really played because the lag has been awful

  5. I see that Feng relied too much on her hacks, so now she cannot play normally. I'd say it's a safe assumption that her 'normal' gameplay and game sense (without her hacks) are so abysmally bad, that she physically cannot win through her own skill.

    Seriously, hackers are the most pathetic people who play this game.


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