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25 thoughts on “SURVIVOR IS GETTING HILARIOUS! Dead by Daylight”

  1. Ok THAT I don’t agree with. Being able to see Gen progression personally sounds like a bit too much info IMO. But we will have to see the difference I guess.

  2. Thanks to this update, i've gone full survivor main and every match is a braindead hilarious match.. It's great, zero stress.. The Japanese community called this update as being horrible as it would make even less people play killer while EU/NA praise this shit.. They've got more logical players there.

  3. The dbd community is resilient as hell but man are they trying their hardest to speed run the death of this game

    Am I the only one who just doesn't really care about dying in solo q? I never got why people complained about it so much. Worse teammates just mean you have to try harder and get better yourself, while trying out different builds. Everyone's just gonna be running genrushing stuff with adrenaline now.

  4. I think that a base kit killer buff to counter all this new information should be a base kit regression for suvivors who aren't actively performing a task. Healing, Gates, Generators. If you let go and say 5 seconds pass, it starts regressing at 50% and then progresses to the standard regression speed after 20. Force suvivors to choose between finishing the gen or the gate, but not being able to 99 everything while the killer has to deal with broken loop chases and bad map design.

  5. I feel like we going to the point they'll add killer bots to counter the fact that killers main quitting the game or playing survivors because let's be real playing survivor it's far less painful..

  6. Never thought I'd say this but after this update I've already found a SWF to play with. We destroyed countless killers tonight, multiple gave up. I think our average 4 man escapes was like 5 -8 minutes matches MAX. And we aren't even a good SWF compared to some.

  7. The shit definitely sucks right now but I do think it’s probably best for the overall game that solos are as competent as swf, survivors can’t hide around things hurting solos too disproportionately anymore. I just hope the devs will actually give something more to killers, the eyrie update was a step in the proper direction.

  8. I played my first game with the gen progression and it was dumb. Bond lets you just have knowledge of the whole map. We went against incredibly OP broken nurse that is way to strong and breaks the game… she got 5 hooks and one kill.

  9. Hey people. Is there a state of the game video somewhere?

    I haven't played the game for about 2 years and stopped following the new early last year.

    Is there any video to quick find out what has changed

  10. Before the gen progression thing got put in I had a game with a Leon who wouldn’t optimize his tasks and tried to kill himself on first hook and when I pulled him off the hook he ran straight to the killer I even brought kindred.

    So this guy gets killed making bad decisions, reaps the consequences of his decisions and kills himself with all the information the game now gives him as basekit plus information I fed him with kindred.

    These are the survivors were balancing the game around.

    I heard a saying about this game.

    Survivors get stronger but the survivor players get worse

  11. The goal shouldn't have been bring solos to swf level, should of brought swf to solo level as in none.
    Was actually a scary, adrenaline fuelled game once and swf and the devs appeasing them has destroyed it

  12. Survivors can see what each other are doing and the gen progression on UI for free, and killer can't be allowed to see what generator exploded using their perk that takes a slot? :/

  13. Genuine question…

    If DBD is a terrible game and isn’t fun…why play? I check in every now and then to see how the game has evolved. Maybe I’ll get back into it.

    All people do is complain about it. So many content creators hate this game. Every decision the devs make is the wrong one. I just don’t understand why people would continue supporting a company when they don’t like the product or direction it’s going.


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