SURVIVOR LIFE! – Dead by Daylight!

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20 thoughts on “SURVIVOR LIFE! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I used to do a lot of tournaments for fighting games.. Kinda miss em but I just do not know how well I would play them now. Really hurts when its been more than a few years since I have been part of that scene.

  2. Gold 3 as killer, Bronze 2 as survivor. Just got the new dlc and Blighted Nemesis skin today. Did a speedy Nemo build with Play with your food, bbq, pop, and sbfl. Let the last survivor get hatch and I still double pipped.

  3. That Nurse just needed to pressure gens and she'd have been fine! Stupid baby killers, l2p! EZ tutorial!

    Seriously though, that's why you could pretty much consider me a "survivor main" these days even though I've played both sides for years. Killer is only fun if you let at least 2 survivors go every game to keep your MMR down because that's the level DbD is actually balanced for. When survivors don't loop like clockwork and stick to gens like glue you can have an enjoyable experience as Legion with no add-ons and only 2 instead of 4 slowdown perks – why would I wanna "tryhard" and change that? High MMR killer is torture, I don't understand why anyone would endure it willingly. I don't think killer in this game have been in such a rough spot since 2018/2019 (where I started playing) to be honest… just sad.

  4. wow, your channel is dead. maybe you should stop complaining about everything and just play the game. i remember a time where you was not that negative. even the game is hard for "killer" but that should be not the point. and before someone wants to tell me im low mmr, i have more hours than your favorite streamer here. so i hope hope you can go back to what you was before <3

  5. I know this is a survivor video, but I wanted to stop by and say thank you for all your killer advice. I just made it to iridescent one in large part thanks to your tips and tricks.

    Keep it up my dude! I'll keep the donations coming.


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