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Today we make survivor mains hate us by taking their items, playing a beloved killer like twins, and being stealthy!
hope this video is entertaining and helpful to the Dead by daylight and dbd mobile communities, and since dead by daylight crossplay is a thing now hopefully console players can gain something from the video as well! Enjoy the DBD Rank 1 Twins~
Merch is finally here!
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LoL at the first game EGC: "That was a lot of fun!"
Jesus that first match was a slaughter.
It’s matches like this that make me think that failed attempts to pull yourself off the first hook shouldn’t reduce the hook timer. It would be a small buff for survivors who actually are trying to play the game by giving them some “free” attempts, so those survivors would like the change, but it would also make it so impulsive quitters wouldn’t be able to so easily throw the match. And a lot of times if a potential quitter is actually rescued or does pull themselves off they do end up playing the game out because they’ve had a few moments to calm down.
DAY 9 of asking for “Double Tap” Ghost-face Build
-Forced Hesitation
-Drivers license
-Drop-Leg Knife Sheath
ive been saying this build for weeks finally some one is playing it
The only buff I need with the twins is for Victor to be able to see the auras.
The best thing survivors can give you with this build is bringing a coin with them
if your going to give up cuz its a killer you dont like then just dont play the game