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Dead By Daylight SBMM or MMR hasnt been all that bad for me personally. BUT SOME MATCHES I SWEAR TO GOD-

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About Me!

My name is Dyllon! I have played Dead By Daylight for about 1.5 years now strictly on my Twitch page. After being asked time and time again about how to get into the game, I decided to try my hand at making guides to help players.
#dbd #dbdpartner #fogwhisperer #thecenobite

Keywords: Dbd, dead by daylight tips, dbd tips, dead by daylight mobile, dead by daylight new killer, dbd killer tips, dead by daylight killer tips, dbd update pinhead, dbd update cenobite, dbd new killer hell raiser, dbd new killer, dbd update 5.2.0 today,



  1. I can definitely see how tiring MMR can be. It has it's up days and it's down days, but it do be like that and at the end of the day it's all in good fun for some people.

  2. That looping though! Well played!

    As survivor MMR is whatever to me honestly, sometimes I get matched up with potatoes who may or may not be fresh out of the tutorial and have to hard carry if we are to survive somehow (usually matches I finish with 25k BP or more, even if I end up dying) and sometimes I get teammates that are far better than me and we shatter a 2k+ hours Spirit's ankles, it's wildly inconsistent (just like the killers I get paired up with) but it's still somewhat alright overall, as killer MMR is absolutely grueling though because DbD doesn't work on higher levels of play, any semblance of balance this game has falls apart if the survivors know what they're supposed to do at all times. There's literally zero incentive for me to play well and actually try, I often just let all 4 survivors escape to lower my MMR quite a bit (if the system works as described by recent leaks) and get into more chill games.

  3. Some people who are percieved as toxic also jst want to meme and have fun. Like I had a really strong team to play against as killer. I was doing decent but they did spin me a few times and played pretty well in general. I tried to stay calm. Then a Meg pointed at a locker. I looked at her, then the locker, then her again. She pointed at the locker again and I looked and thought then opened it and she ran away and no one was inside xD. I followed her, downed her and put her into basement. I looked at the floor, then at her and then at the floor again just to play the role as a sad, betrayed killer. I contemplated to camp but I thought "Nah" and left. I went to some gens, she got safed, I one tapped one of the saving people, then downed her again and hooked her and try to get more srvivors before they get the gate open. Like they clicked sometimes with their flashlights and teabagged bt not in excess and they also played the game and didn`t 99 the lasz´t gen to toy with me. In the chat after game the Meg said it was hilarious and she deserved to die xD. They were a fun team and if I didn`t kept my cool and let them get to my head I could`ve interpreted them as being toxic instead of them being good and having fun. There are toxic people in the game like in all games bt most people jst wanna play and have fun <3.

  4. When i play survivor it just feels like a crapshoot. Sometimes i get a killer who has never been looped a day in their life with potato teammates. Other times i have the sweatiest tryhards and one survivor who loops for 5 gens.

    As killer i feel like its more consistant if im playing more "meta" characters. I play spirit(who i dont play), tryhard survivors… trapper(who i like playing) potatos.

  5. About the Hellraiser license, it's currently owned by the movie studio group (Forget their name) still. The rights do not revert back to Clive Barker until December 20th, 2021 AND that's only in the United States. Other countries don't have our Copyright Act of 1976 that allowed him to get the rights back, so the movie studio will retain International distribution rights, which is why I think there is a problem with the voice lines… They probably got permission from Clive Barker but not from the movie studio or vice versa, and somebody had an issue with them. I really do think it's a legal issue in some way, because they can't tell us why they were removed, only "complications with the audio files" and "We cannot comment further." If it's a bug, it can be stated "Yea, it's a bug we'll fix it when we get around to it." but saying "We cannot comment further" is a legal issue. I just hope that Barker is okay with the voice lines and we can get them back in the US, then he can maybe negotiate with the movie company to allow them in other countries.

  6. I prefer the old ranking and match making. I like some kind of indicator of how I’m playing. Before staying at rank 1 meant I was doing well. Now I don’t really know where I stand or how good the competition was. Sucks.


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