SURVIVORS ARE 100% CHARGED | Dead by Daylight

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#saltydbd #swfbullysquad #swftoxic #dbdtoxic #saltystreamer

I uploaded a match similar to this recently, they play the maps, bring the items and try extra hard to make the Killers job 10 times more difficult, so why can’t we make their job difficult? BECAUSE THE RULE BOOK SAYS SO! realistically, what is fun for survivors and also fun for killers at the same time, I am interested to know, if you don’t enjoy a good chase and tactical choices to take the game, no one is going to be truly happy.

TimeZones for Streams
2:30 CST
3:30 EST
12:30 PST
20:30 UK
Every Day.

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


18 thoughts on “SURVIVORS ARE 100% CHARGED | Dead by Daylight”

  1. 9:35 true, almost every killer has a weird drag you can pull with the mouse. Kinda wild. I think Doctor is the craziest reach there is though. Especially using Coup De Grace. I have pulled off some insane lunges LOL

  2. Yea if I am not using a scourge hook build I will take a survivor that is not wiggling to the basement. ( Assuming its not the last survivor. I sometimes let the last survivor live. Depends on my mood on that one… Heck I sometimes just screw around the whole match and make sure they all live as long as they do not DC. But I stopped caring about being in the top end a long time ago.. After being there more than a few times doing different challenges and so forth.. Its just not really as worth it.. Especially when I do not play enough anymore to keep rank and mmr up there. )

  3. Depending on the type of attack, the range DOES get increased or decreased if you are looking down or up. For normal attacks/lunges.. Far as I know of there is no difference but I can look into that again if you want.. However swings with abilities it depends. Leatherface for example has a slight extension to his chainsaw range when looking down I am not sure why the game is like that, but it is ( It adds enough that, he could miss the initial hit when trying to zap you with a chainsaw hit on a vault, he will hit you if he moves forward and looks down. Keep in mind the Leatherface player will always end up going into tantrum mode in this situation. Though its possible to hit through a window/vault spot without starting a tantrum. Likewise, his attack range decreases if you try to do this but look up instead of down. Shorter range than he would be if hes just looking forward. )

    That is something that is not new either for Leatherface, as the original version of him acted that way as well. ( Played him a lot, and no I almost never camped. At the time I insisted on playing killers differently from most others to see and show that it can be done in other ways. Its also why I used to use insidious to trick people into thinking I moved away during a loop or moment they thought I did not notice them go hide in a corner.. The moment they thought it was safe.. I would chainsaw/hammer them down. Think the best moment I had with that was when this one person was at a L wall with a window.. and did not know I had went into insidious next to the window.. and as they where vaulting after they thought they where safe.. I grabbed them out of the window and hooked them… Person got jumped scared.. Did not even wiggle. Got told in endgame that I had scared the crap out of them.. Like literally.. They had to run to the bathroom Apparently…

    I do not use insidious anymore though but I have thought about going back to doing that once in a while. Oh and there was also this odd game I remember, where I was insidious among these rocks in the swamp map with the boat.. A person was hooked in the basement on the other side of the map.. A streamer was playing and attempted to run by me, I had hit them ( I was Trapper in that game ) they got spooked and ran right into a Trap.. Sadly this streamer was not exactly one of the cool ones since that person claimed I had somehow camped the basement.. Even though I only had one person in the basement ever, and it was the one I am talking about here.. Kinda hard to camp the basement when you are on the other side of the map.. The funny thing is one of the other survivors called him out on it and then he accused said survivor of working with me.. Somehow? Not sure how he came up with that.. Watched his stream and.. Honestly I think the guy was trying to do that stuff to mask the fact that I had scared the hell out of him more than a few times during the match.

    No one really expects someone to use insidious in that way. Yea its not that effective but it throws people off big time.. High traffic areas where you can kinda hide a bit are the best places to do this sort of thing.. That said I would not recommend doing this at all now till the patch that makes stretched rez not possible anymore.. Since that kills using insidious in this way. So if you are playing in high MMR do not do it right now. You should be fine in low MMR to try it. Mid mmr.. You might or might not be ok with doing it..


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