Survivors Can Now Have 5+ Health States on Dead by Daylight ptb

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Killer favoured patch huh? Welcome to Endurance meta! Endurance stacks! haha

#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #sorry #buff #nerf #nochange #feelsbadman #ptb #hilarious

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22 thoughts on “Survivors Can Now Have 5+ Health States on Dead by Daylight ptb”

  1. The way to fix this is to add a status effect that triggers when an endurance happens and it prevents anymore endurance effects for the duration of its effect. Think like exhausted but for endurance perks.

  2. You got hit 4 times there. A fifth would have downed you, gain a health state for ds if its being used by the survivor, a sixth hit is required with borrowed in a bottle and a seventh to down you a second time. Although I don't think its possible to be hit enough times to ds within its timer unless you're trolling the killer and letting him activate your perks. This also doesn't include team play like flashlight saves and body blocking.

  3. People forget that “tank builds” are for that sole purpose, to tank hits. Same goes for any build based around a single purpose, they usually work once or twice a game if you’re lucky. You could do this before the meta change, just with different requirements and this would rarely happen in a normal situation and still won’t.

    The meta is changing, just be grateful. People asked for a new meta so why complain now that we have a new meta?

  4. if this go in the game, they will lose alot of player twice as much. This game is not going last no more than a couple years. It getting out of hand, these developers need to get replace immediately


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