Survivors Can't Handle My P100 Wesker Techs… | Dead by Daylight

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DBD has been feeding me AWFUL lobbies recently but i had some great games that i hope you guys enjoy as much as i did, Thank you for the continued support ❤️

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if you see this, i love you. 🧡


Chapters (ignore)
Intro – 0:00
Game 1 – 0:38
Game 2 – 6:57


21 thoughts on “Survivors Can't Handle My P100 Wesker Techs… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. once they fix the mmr then survivors will stop dcing but until then it will never change. people just arent going to waste there time playing against a god tier killer as a noob or decent survivor.cuz op killers or just decent onces dont let u make mistakes or let u go/help u be able to learn but instead uses ur mistakes against u everytime so in the end all that does is teach people,that when it gets hard they will have no chance as if they are going against a god player everytime. so y do something if u dont have a chance to get better…so what do the casual player thinks,well i cant spend 40,30 min runnin and hiding every match thats borin and not helpful/waste of instead imma dc or die on hook so i can go on to next match where i can be of help/ the content but im tired of all these streamers hatin and complainin that no one wants to play against them anymore since theyve finally gotten to god tier like level like what did u expect to happen for people to want or be cool with losing 90% of the time? and not only that but making them lose so bad that either u or other people make fun of no y would anyone want stay so they can be bullied for tryna learn something or be shown in a video where people call them all kinds of stuff. also i have a question do you believe anyone wants to be in a video where they are going to be made fun of publicly.because if not then u should know its not all these people leavings fault its 2 thing mmr and the streamers of dbd not u per say hints y i watch u but streams treating other people over a game makes people want to avoid any possible conflict so they just up and leave cuz they be scared of the backlash like better to be known as a dcer then a trash scum piece of whatever these people be saying.either way im sure no one is going to care about this but its the sad truth of dbds community its horrible and the game all kinds of broken but what game isnt…its all about what the people make of it and the community has ruined this game.its litearlly like poltics here like survivor mains republican and democrats the killers is what its like and its sad


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