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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #toxic #salty
2:42 ok that’s kinda funny. The devs play the game totally different from literally everyone else? That’s incredibly funny to me.
Cattlevivors will cry about everything even when they bring map offerings BNPs and busted medkits
To the main survs out there, we are not complaining that you cant tunnel your objectives "gens", just dont cry like a baby when we tunnel our objectves "kills".
Ada went down because she was tuennling the exit gate 😂
10:15 perfection xD
10:10 my first time seeing Tru3 flipping off
True is our hero I love him, we need more people like him and not crybabies, people with common sense is not common this days.
This is why I hate that the devs collect data off of kills. Tru3 was sweating this game to try and defend these gens and it ended up in a draw, now he gets a win because a survivor couldn't take 7 seconds to mend themselves. The devs look at this and say "Hey look, Legion is over performing so let's nerf him.". The same thing happens when survivors dominate a killer and they have 2 hooks when all the gens are done, but they somehow fuck up at the end and the killer gets a 4k, how can you look at games where the killer only wins because the survivors turn off their brains and go "Yeah, looks like killer needs more nerfing" it's ridiculous
Funny thing is that Eruption is killer's anti tunnel perk, happened to me very often that I win a trigen because they focus the same exact gen instead the one that is actually far in the trigen. Can we get an eruption base just like they get BT at base please? Kappa
As a new player to the game playing killer I have maybe 3 days played now. I'm going up against 50+prestige survivors already is this normal.
Survivors main logic: im hungry gotta tunnel for a sandwich
I played half my games on stream playing survivor rulebook and lost, half playing like Tru3 and won. Very curious!
It’s wild to me how many crappy designed maps there are in dbd and how survivors will do gens in your face because there’s no drawback to doing that. It’s hit one survivor and then hit them again as the other two tunnel the Gen. it is a joke.
The reaction to Ada going down was a laugh
let it out Tru3 let it out. We here understand the stress of killer well.
Have u seen dbd perk changes
I see more killer been nerf in many ways than survivor getting any damn nerf on their perks
wtf are devs smoking yet people just enjoy this nerf making killer again weaker
10:20 "tunneling the f**k out of gens…celebrated! Meanwhile I do it… scolded!" Accurate. I swear Tru3 and King Wolfe 2 are the only actual killer YouTubers/streamers that look out for killer players.
The thing is… survivor's objective is pve, but killers' is pvp. If you tunnel your objective (a gen) it's efficient. But when you tunnel your objective (a survivor, a player, a person) is wrong because you somehow are making their experience miserable because they don't want to be aggroed by the killer until they're out of the game. Even though there are builds and players looking to be chased all game. BHVR is the only one capable of stopping this argument because the community clearly cannot.
"How is them focusing a gen not tunneling…" Honestly, I think it's because when people use the word 'tunnel' its in a negative connotation. 'Tunneling' is seen as something bad, despite the fact that it doesn't matter which side is focusing on the objectives. Survivors are seen as playing the game, killers are seen as being toxic.