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Is Dissolution good on the Legion?
I made a poll on my channel, and most of you guys choose that you are not sure about it.
In today’s video, you will understand that Dissolution is one of the best perks for the Legion.
That is because the chance of downing someone with a feral frenzy is very low. Most of the time you just injure survivors and that is all.
But with Dissolution, we don’t even need to hit every survivor to get a down.
You should injure a healthy survivor with your feral frenzy, and then turn off your ability. Survivors gonna have tough times. With activated dissolution, they can’t do anything in loops, because Dissolution counters pallets.
If survivors won’t heal, then thana gonna make their repairing 20% slower.
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Enjoy the video!
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Knight or Blight video next?
Insane video, great plays! Perk usage aside, your mindgaming strategies are wild to watch!
You never fail to impress, man. Legion can have a really hard time against good survivors, but you make this look like child's play.
I think this good on legion but why any1 dont play with this perk? Its rare to see
I hate to say this but jokes on you we already hate legion lol. Nothing against legion mains but mending simulator gets stale so fast
Dissolution has been a mainstay on my legion for a while – it was actually bugged the previous patch and wouldnt trigger with legion specifically – im glad to see its fixed
крутой ролик!