Survivors will ragequit for the smallest reason – Dead By Daylight

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Down in flames.
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30 thoughts on “Survivors will ragequit for the smallest reason – Dead By Daylight”

  1. So a Jill went to unhook and Kate I just hooked so I hit her as she went for it she got the unhook while I was in the weapon cooldown and as I went to hit Jill I accidentally hit Kate
    mind you she had ds and dc’d

  2. Whenever a survivor dc’s when I’m playing survivor I just say “Awh, oh yeah you totally deserved to dc poor babeh” after they almost 99% of the time haven’t done a single thing, or instant go down in chase lol

  3. I wouldn't necessarily call this "the slightest reason" because even if they hadn't done many gens, they still waited out the match quite a bit. I've had even worse survivors DC because I baited their dead hard out of them not even a full minute into the match. Hell, some even DC'd when I found em in less than 10 seconds with Lethal Pursuer.

  4. tbh, I've raged quit over that kind of thing. It looks like I've cleared by a far margin just to get hit. She wouldn't be able to loop very long in that direction and the game is over but still. Principles!

    (Was Seb afk?)

  5. I'l always treasure this specific memory:

    I was playing Pyramid Head on Lery's, not long after he came out. There was this Feng going clickly clicky with her flashlight in that game. I, obviously, ignored her completely and focused on everyone else.

    She followed me around and at some point, sat behind a window clicking as i was chasing someone else. I quickly put my knife on the ground and faked that i was attacking her teammate i was chasing, but then turned and downed her with a punishment while she wasn't expecting it.

    She instantly DC'd right after, and i moved on with my chase.

    Ahh, delicious…

  6. In my most recent match, I was playing pyramid head, and this jill, I’m chasing someone else nearby, jill and the girl being chased are injured, and this jill jumps into a locker right in front of me, seeing this as an opportunity, I go to the locker and bait out head on, sure enough, she misses, and I get the down, she dcs the frame I fucking hit her, fucking wild, she threw the match too, it would have been my first hook at two gens completed

  7. the interesting thing about this is that when survivors bully a killer so much that the killer DCs from the game, is usually taken as a victory for the survivors, and celebrated. but a killer is supposed to be avoiding focusing survivors to avoid them DCing usually, or at least is kind of the expected thing from them.

    killers are players too, i get the feeling that survivors think that they are game controlled and that i doesnt matter what happens to them, is quite sad to be honest

  8. Literally had a game where a Nea dced when I was about to grab her during endgame. Dude was so entitled to a win that he wont even let me hook her when she got downed before she exited the gates.

  9. Survivors are the biggest crybabies when things dont go their way. You know if they've dced then they've dced before so their wait time is probably upwards of an hour. Enjoy your matchmaking locked crybaby. XD

  10. Yesterday I played my nurse on Ormond, I was going for the amount of hooks thus didn't tunnel, survs did gens pretty quickly and were on their last gen. One survivor was dead, second was on a hook, third was running from me and fourth was doing gens. And the survivor that I chased was dead on hook and DCd as I downed him. He could've had a decent amount of bloodpoints if he waited about 15 seconds but he preferred to DC, get zero bps and get a penalty. I'll never understand that kind of people.

  11. Every time people whine about DC penalties, 4+ hour ones, I like to point out that every time they get removed, DCing becomes more common. As opposed to injured pride rage quitting


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