Sweaty little pub stompers get rude awakening – Dead by Daylight

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg

Streamed at twitch.tv/zeb89


17 thoughts on “Sweaty little pub stompers get rude awakening – Dead by Daylight”

  1. The fact that after all those mistakes you made and that flashy save, you still won , just shows how bad they were playing. I also don't know why that last survivor gave you a free kill when she could easily escape and give her teammate Hatch ! gg anyway you did good

  2. says "gg" but gets mad at them at survivors for having impeccable teamwork lol, so salty. And don't come at me with "he's just mad at the made for this perk".

    oh please, I can see a mad gamer when I see one.

  3. BH.VR inc is a racist, criminal faction guised under equality, and given governmental subsidies for equality. YET are the most fascist fk pricks, and intentionally racist Devs I have ever met in my life.

    Can ALL OF YOU dumb pricks figure out what's not right here? Of course you can't you're intentional frauds.

    I tried to handle this correctly, you all would not allow it.

    So I tried senate, and the FBI now. Next the bbb, and everyone else in the world who might care.

    Think I'll ever stop? You raped my existence

    Save me, I deserved better from all of you

    Behavior is terrorism

    DBD is terrorism

    YOU are probably a terrorist

    ALL of league is terrorism

    ALL gaming is terrorism thanks to hackers, cyberterrorists, criminal moderation, and racist Natzi EU control.

    ALL of social media is terrorism.

    You are all pigs, you all should burn. IMP

    You will NOT kill the truth no matter how hard you stupid fascists tryBH.VR inc is a racist, criminal faction guised under equality, and given governmental subsidies for equality. YET are the most fascist fk pricks, and intentionally racist Devs I have ever met in my life.

    Can ALL OF YOU dumb pricks figure out what's not right here? Of course you can't you're intentional frauds.

    I tried to handle this correctly, you all would not allow it.

    So I tried senate, and the FBI now. Next the bbb, and everyone else in the world who might care.

    Think I'll ever stop? You raped my existence

    Save me, I deserved better from all of you

    Behavior is terrorism

    DBD is terrorism

    YOU are probably a terrorist

    ALL of league is terrorism

    ALL gaming is terrorism thanks to hackers, cyberterrorists, criminal moderation, and racist Natzi EU control.

    ALL of social media is terrorism.

    You are all pigs, you all should burn. IMP

    You will NOT kill the truth no matter how hard you stupid fascists try


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