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Who is the blue hair girl?
My Intro Song – Aests – FIGHT!
My Outro Song – Watchy
You kill me with how many times you dont realize where the survivor is, 23:20 😅😂 still love you though
You have been gnomed
23:18 You can see her waiting for the hatch
Slug nurse with infectious is really annoying to play against, thanks for not doing that
Man I just wish I could play Nurse to begin with 😂 I have no depth perception with her.
Wait you mean the broken hit box patch, that’s why they dced hope you know lmao
Ngl that first match was good asf, but I’m not gonna act like that was mid-high dif. If u were using any other killer aside from Nurse or Spirit you’d have lost that. I’ve played as Freddy against squads like that and no matter how good u are if u make one mistake against a swf like those guys it’s a gg. Imagine they had BT along with SG and Unbreakable. That match would’ve been terrible for someone like me
Broo i just came from a sweaty match as nurse 😂
Very nice my friend
Que buen video crack te queria decir que ya casi llegamos a los 100k de subs,te felicito eres un gran streamer y youtuber y me divierten tus vídeos:),a pesar de que no te entienda podrías poner sub-titulos en español plis😋
Don’t shorten your intro papi
Jaee I enjoy you videos so damn much. You are the goat of YouTube
what’s ur twitch i wanna watch the streams
You’re very calm. Most streamers rage and become extremely negative during matches like that. This is refreshing.
jaes streams are sum else
seeing the bullshit DS plays in this video makes me so relieved and grateful its being nerfed lmfao, survivors really are rats >:(
Keep the intros coming Jaee, screw the haters
Wake up babe.. new jaee video.. 🥰
I feel like lullaby is only good on doc or stealth killers. Had a game with a pig and she had lullaby at 4-5 stacks and i kept missing skill checks because i was so worried she'd come up and grab me.
gameplay starts at 2:28
"4 man swf running unbreakable and soul guard" – Most Powerful Killer in the Game, Slugging with 4 gens left. lmaooo so they shouldnt run those and die right away?
I've probably played 25-40 games with nurse. You catch on quick but teleport timing is still hard. I just recently got my adept achievement after about 4 tries, I still need a bit of practice and perks from other killers but I'm getting good with her. I also learned that Nurse is just amazing with grabbing people