Tall Man (Phantasm) vs The Singularity (Dead by Daylight) in Writing #shorts #vs #edit #dbd September 6, 2024 by Lefty303 Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ https://deadbydaylight.mgn.gg source
Went for the more simplistic style, with school nd shi I can't really work on edits as much as I'd want to. Reply
Haven't played dbd but the tallman is genuinly well written
W edit goat
Went for the more simplistic style, with school nd shi I can't really work on edits as much as I'd want to.
Tall man is a fodder in every sense
Tall man is so fodder ong
Fire edit
both are well written goats

Hux is goated
Peak + Fax
Dubs, DBD is goated
Peak ahh + Both Oppenheimer victims in writing.
W edit
