Tatariu's Nemesis update | Dead by Daylight

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This is Tatariu’s Nemesis update, something he has been working on for roughly a week total.
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37 thoughts on “Tatariu's Nemesis update | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I don't play Nemi but this sounds pretty good. Also, making Addons do something is always great. Except when it comes to the really strong Killers. They can just have all their Addons Gutted when you ask me.

  2. The problem with increasing his tentacle charge time is to do with my ping, I already charge tentacle strike at 530 miliseconds. However, I think if he's in tier 3 that he should be able to do more than just insta-break a pallet, I feel like, and just hear me out here. That in tier 3 he should be able to break vaults for the duration of his tier 3, meaning he'll ruin the entire map, but everything gets restored when you're back in tier 2. His tier 3 is a bit of mobility in his kit which I support.
    Another thing I really want is that his zombies need to be removed so that they can buff his tentacle and overall power even more, usually as a nemesis my zombies are everywhere where I don't need them or they're stuck on a grass clipping, this means that 50% of my power is just useless, but funny if you can get zombies at the correct areas since they'll easily decimate anything near them.
    The addons are perfect you did a nice job, if I had to choose an addon I'd make it give nemesis a pierce effect where he'll be able to break a pallet and hit you in a single strike or hit multiple survivors with a single strike.
    I think his tier 2 should contaminate and injure by default or that whipping shouldn't give survivors any speed boost.

  3. T3 should be timed based like Oni but keeps going and running into a wall is like low pro chain Billy he just keeps going pallets could have a slow down or something

  4. dont think this update would be that good for nemesis, his entire lore is that he becomes stronger as he chases even in resident evil so why would he devolve into MR2? just doesnt really make sense and the nerfs to the tentacle would make his power way worse even if he gets a strong MR3 (even though i dont think its that strong)

  5. He made it clear it was 1 health state meaning he thinks it would be op to move at 5ms with exposed but nurse exists with exposed perks my heart dropped because I thought these were actual patch notes I’m glad they aren’t it sounds like he got fucked up by nemesis in a match and decided to make a video the addons are cool I guess but he completely destroyed the tentacle making the one chasing power he has completely gone and replaced with 5ms OH BUT WAIT IF YOU DO ANYTHING FROM HITTING A PALLET OR OPENING A LOCKER YOU LOSE EVERYTHING

  6. Honestly they should remove the zombies completely and buff Nemesis
    No matter what they change about zombies they will always be inconsistent and heavily RNG dependent

  7. Ok so, Myers tier up is instant, and can instant down. Oni’s tier up slows you, but you move very fast, can break pallets instantly and can instant down.
    Your suggested update is a 3 second stun for fast, with instant break and no instant down. The unlimited duration is relatively pointless because you will hit somebody within a minute of activating it.

    A better tier 3 and completely unique tier 3 would have nemesis manifest his rocket launcher, large AOE damage, takes one health state, and any breakable objects within the AOE are destroyed. With a very low ammo pool.

    Your suggestion would be interesting, but being stunned in exchange for one hit is not very useful.
    The map pressure it would provide would be the only saving grace about it.

  8. while idk about the other changes, the hindered effect is indeed neglectable.
    the basekit 2 stbfl stacks that were added literally makes an m1 better than the tentacle strike for the killer as far as distance gained by tbe survivor is concerned

  9. I like the basic concepts but the numbers could be changed around, particularly the tentacle cooldown I feel should be shorter. Also the tier three should be more rewarding than just a single health state, but also take more charge to build up

  10. I feel like your just straight up nerfing him for a gimmick. The tier 3 doesnt really seem worth it..all you do is go fast. I get the idea..but it still doesnt feel like Nemmy. The add-on changes i like though.

  11. Honesty a change I think Nemesis could benefit from is that every time you down a survivor with his power your create a additional zombie that is permanent for the total number that spawn in.

  12. with the project w releasing, i feel its a perfect time to buff nemesis. cause for how much of a killing machine the big boi is, he seems really weak for his character. and that sprinting thing is a 11/10 idea. i really hope behavior buff nemesis like this.

  13. I don't know about the idea of making him a fast boi, I think we have enough of those in the game. I kinda like to think about Nemesis like he's in game, where he moves very slow, but he's unstoppable. Kinda like a slow, menacing juggernaut, y'know? For that the first iridescent addon sounds very fun.

    I love the exit gate one, there should be more ways to make zombies actually dangerous, and if something can punish underestimating exit gates, that's always a plus in my book. Combine that with increasing their movement speed, and you can actually steal some very nasty kills.

    So yeah, I don't fully agree with the direction this takes, but once that direction is established, you executed it really well!

  14. As a Nemesis enjoyer, I'm not sure what to feel about these changes. As mentioned in other comments the add-on changes take compile add-ons into one move alongside adding some interesting changes. There being less, but more unique zombie add-ons is really need (Depleted Ink Ribbon for example now works as a mini Blood Warden with it's use. I love that change. Admin Wristband is also an unique change. Might want to consider adding the current Damage Syringe's Vaccine injection time increase to new Plant 43 vines, since both add-ons are there to slowdown Vaccine usage.) I also appreciate there actually being add-ons that change the Tentacle Strike (Broken Recovery Coin is an add-on that I would've considered using, the 6 meter range will probably make the 4.4m/s penalty less of an issue. Side note: Your suggestion to nerf Blight to a 4.4m/s killer was an interesting one, and I want to see how that would change more killers)

    However I'm not sure what to feel about the base kit change to the Tentacle Strike. It's great to have a 6 meter range instantly, a much needed change. I do wonder if the movement speed when holding the Tentacle Strike is changed. Now in MR1+2 your movement speed while holding M2 is 3.8m/s, while in MR3 it's 4.0m/s. I take it you're keeping it at 3.8m/s, due to the free zoning the Nemesis can get from 4.0m/s movement speed. Also making the Tentacle Strike slower to use might hurt it. I always saw it's 2,5 second attack cooldown as a W so you wouldn't need to bring Save the Best for Last on Nemesis, if you were to go M2 only. It also doesn't help that you made Licker's Tongue 10% faster attack cooldown, as it would be 2,7 seconds. So basically the Tentacle Strike just becomes slower than in the live servers. This is something that on theory sounds bad, but maybe in game the changes would be fine. However I am interested in why you think this change was needed.

    MR3 making Nemesis a 5.0m/s killer is a change that makes sense and is closer to how the Nemesis in the RE3 remake works during the roaming encounters. While I appreciate that and making him more unique (Effectively a reverse Oni, who needs to use M2 to get strong M1 gameplay.) This also encourages players to keep using the Tentacle Strike after max infection rate, as now players will only use the Tentacle Strike for pallets after reaching MR2. While we do not want another Nurse issue, I think it would have been better to not limit MR3 hit to a single health state of damage so Exposed perks actually have a use for Nemesis. I'm a sucker for the Tentacle Strike though, so maybe my perspective is twisted.

    All in all, I love how unique it is. I don't 100% agree with the changes like your Nurse rework idea, however I would have loved to test these changes if they were in a PTB. Partially sad there's no Rocket Launcher anywhere, however preventing a Tombstone Myers situation is a wise decision.

  15. All I want is more tentacle addons and please I beg for the speed boost to get removed when they become contaminated. They didn't even lose a health state, why are they rewarded with a speed boost? Doesnt make and never has made any sense

  16. Just need an addon that replaced 1 zombie in the trial with a licker that reacts only to noise and the only way to stun/kill is flash grenades and pallets.

  17. I know people think that the hinderence is weak but at a suggestion I tried licker tounge after the update and it's quite significant. Most survivors can't escape unless they got a god window


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