Testing Slinger's improved add-ons | Dead by Daylight

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The Deathslinger recently received a nerf that did not sit well with many people. Something that you may have overlooked, however, is the fact that many of his add-ons are now significantly stronger and more fun to use than before. So hey, we have that, at least. 😅

00:00 Intro
04:25 Iri Coin + Prison Chain #1
12:46 Iri Coin + Prison Chain #2
26:21 Thorn + Cigar
37:21 Whiskey + Badge
48:54 Iron + Cigar

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


47 thoughts on “Testing Slinger's improved add-ons | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Watching this and wanna comment

    dvisw*cudsgycviygdswvwi vgycx. ygcdw. ycdw gxiiddidjdjdjdjddjjdjdjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjjsjsjsjdjxmxnxmxbswhbcwsqSjdjdjbhcbcsbhhdbchdbyNOTotz snjssjsjsjsjsjsjsjajajjaajjaajja Not AYrunehehehehehehehehhwhwhwjwwjwjwjwjhwjwjwjwjwjwjwjwjwjwwjwnwTheJRMskjsjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjjdjdjdjdjdjsjsjsmmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmmsmsmmsDowseysjsjsjsjdjdjjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjddjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjxujsowowiduudndjxksowpwodjehdnxkwpwpwposozkzksskkwkskxjskwoskjxjxjwjxmkskwkwmxjxjjsjwkskjxjxjshxhxhhshwjwmwmksksksjxjhxhjsmwmmskxkskskwkwwkwkwkwskkspskskdkkdjisjxmslqksmjdkdkw,smncjskallsieidmd,dlowjsmxmwokaakxmmxskkqksmxkwoxmkxsosmxoajxmskmsxskowksmxmxmxxmskmxmxmxmskxmxmxmxmxmxmxksksksiemdmd dmdmdjdjejejkekekejejdjdjdjdjejdjdjdjdjejejejdjxjdjejsisksmxmxmxjdiejeooapwosjxjsjejxmsjsjsjjsmsmsmxmxmmxmssmsmxmsmsmsmsmxmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsjsjjxxjjsjsjsjsjsjxjsmmsjsjsmsjsismsmsismsjsisiwiwwikskskisososns suon ion ssikskkskksjssisjxmxmxksksjsmxmxmxmx. smwksjdhjduekdmdjdiejjdjcjfurjdjjdjdjjjdjjjxjjxdjjdjjjjdjdjjdjdjdjdjjjxjxxjjxxjjxxjxjxjeieidkdkdkd

    jdhdjdjdhdjdjdjdjdjdjddhehdjjcididdhncjcjccuhdjddiidieieiesisdjcudidNototzdarva sjdjdjdjdjdididisjsjduwmdk

  2. I recommend running the Warden's Keys + Iri Coin combo if you want to play New Deathslinger and have a fair shot. The new Iri Coin makes him significantly more efficient than if you aren't running it; this is both good and bad, as it is exciting that he has a really good add-on, but it is bad because I feel he is now reliant on it.

  3. I noticed there are some strange intricicies with deathslinger's reeling… like, if you walk back while reeling, it prevents them from moving side to side and bumping obstacles.

    Also, I noticed Otz reeling in even when he speared over a pallet and was trying to maneuver around it… but that breaks the chain way faster, and in that situation you shouldn't reel at all and just walk around.

    The reeling honestly feels intuitive, but someone should find out what all the factors such as movement direction do.

  4. honestly, after his change, i haven’t played him at all. i played one game and just not being able to shoot as soon as you aim is devastating. its pretty sad i’d say, considering i just got him during the anniversary 🙁

  5. Nerfing something doesn't mean it needs a compensation in return. Some shit just doesn't make sense being as it is, like his stupid quick scope which bascially was a no scope as it let him shoot without even aiming down. It needed to be removed completely regardless.


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