Thanks Ruin Undying, You're the Best – Dead by Daylight

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49 thoughts on “Thanks Ruin Undying, You're the Best – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I just stopped using Undying in favor of Ruin/Pop. There are just way too many survivors running boons and totem locating perks to justify 2 perks being gone with nothing to compensate for it. I treat Ruin like an early game perk, and it tends to go that way. Occasionally I don't get to use Pop but its pretty rare.

  2. every hex perk explained

    Devour hope: cleansed first

    Undying: last 5 seconds each match

    Ruin: needs boyfriend undying to be good

    Third seal: you cant see auras, oh you dont have any aura perks, USELESS

    retribution: down grade haunted grounds

    Haunted grounds: never the first to be cleansed

    Blood favor: cruel limits but for pallets

    Plaything: it is used on the killer with the best terror radius

    Artist hex perk: every survivor has boon perks

    If i missed any idc

  3. I like the behaviors thought process when they nerfed undying. "No one likes doing totems over and over." Yeah well, no killer likes losing two perks in first minute of the game either but I guess we are second priority citizens of the dbd community. At least we got the most obvious key nerf that came a year later after mori. Still makes no sense to me how they nerfed one early game ender but left the other in for a year.

  4. Hex totem spawns should never be in the same radius of the starting location of survivors. Would be nice to have them split and farthest away from survivors like how the nightmare's clock mechanic.

  5. I’d say pinhead was a somewhat interesting killer, just sucks that his main chain just gets completely overshadowed by protecting the box and the fact that his controlled chain is pretty rng and map dependent to be great, just underwhelming for someone like pinhead. Nemesis is fairly simple and fun although his power isn’t that special control or concept wise apart from zombies. Otherwise I completely agree alot of new killers aren’t that interesting

  6. Basically the amount of value I expect to see from my hex totems. Meanwhile the survivors manage to use the totems I can't use for the next 10 minutes and get obscene bonuses from them. Lmao okay. The nerf to undying made some sense but if they were going to just have the planned release of boons, there wasn't really a need to nerf undying so hard. Just like how they killed stridor-a perk that saw 0 use outside of Spirit-and THEN changed spirit's system so stridor isn't even overly crazy on her now because people can hear her directional approach.

    Bhvr does some extremely weird things. But then they're all survivor mains at heart so what can ya do

  7. Do you figure it's better to buy EastWest plugins with the one-time cost or do the Gold subscription thing? I know the upfront is pretty pricey I'm just having a hard time rationalizing paying for another monthly thing.

  8. 5:59 You're wrong like many people always are about high ping being an advantage. The "refund" system will always benefit the lower ping player. It's really annoying being at a disadvantage and people blaming you for being at an advantage lmao. Btw, the meg was the player with 200 ping, not the one you hit here.


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