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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight
I get the idea of trying to make it close to 50 for the sake of fun. However I feel they are relying on the wrong stats to achieve this goal.
I honestly think killers should be a little higher to encourage the power dynamic as ever since boons the game has changed from killer being scary to four people picking on the killer
The "community" has been crying for years for devs to buff solo queue… So, devs did. Added boons that nobody asked for that you cannot delete like hexes. Then they added bt as base kit. Then they decided to try base kit unbreakable. You d think "community" would stop crying, whining and complaining but no.
Always love your videos. Feel like you're one of the few unapologetic killers out there!
I stopped playing the game when I realised what the creators want is as a killer player my best performance gets me a 2k because the game has to be "fun". My highest level of play, would only get me a 2 kill. If I do everything right I get to enjoy a 2k. Unless the survivors are absolutely brain dead then I get a 4k. Otherwise, my best performance would just guarantee me a 2 kill.
Why does nobody use shattered hope?
I fxcking hate boons it’s not fair they got the cheek to give killers a perk to get rid of them but no sane killer is going to waste a perk slot for it they need to get rid of boons
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They give survivors bt and unbreakable basekit but won’t give us shattered hope basekit.
Well fuck this game it can sink like the titanic
This may be me but I have noticed with Pyramid and even more so with Nemesis, their attacks can sometimes take longer than your typical basic attack. For example Nemmy will sometimes clench both fists and I have noticed even with STBFL this can take about a second longer than his normal single handed clinch. Pyramid I just counted the seconds when he downed Claudette at not killer shack and it took 3 1/2 seconds. That just doesn't seem right.
At least Texas chainsaw coming out soon. We finally will get a horror game since ft13.
"fair" and "skill" about the 4%. They totally "earned" their escape.
Hahaaah I’m glad she t bagged at the end haahahahaha screw you tru3
Easy map, weak survivers. Boring.
God damn that 4% into dead hard hurt a lot
now i see why this video called like that, game just not let you do third kill as part of balance!