THAT WAS TRICKY! – Dead by Daylight!

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22 thoughts on “THAT WAS TRICKY! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I think dropping a god pallet is fine any time in the game as long as you got as much as you could out of it before dropping it. If you didn't even do one loop around the shack and dropped the pallet as soon as you started the chase than you wasted it. If you get three loops around the shack and then drop the pallet even if its at the start of the game it was worth it as you bought a lot of time for your team. Now if the team is or is not making the most of that time you gave them that is up to them and there is nothing you can do about it really if they are not using it wisely to get gens done.

  2. Now this is a killer player I respect. This is a game, to play for fun, this wraith was playing for fun, going for chases, red-glow mindgaming, it is how the game should be played. It's how I like to play anyways, even on Mother's Dwelling and after catching one person 4 gens have popped because the map is too big. Slugging is boring, noed is stupid, and killers need to stop getting nerfed and just balance the game mechanics.

  3. So much for "wasting" pallets, sometimes I have teammates who handle pallets as if they were sacred items.. These matches usually end with 3 to 4 people dying and almost every pallet still standing, sure was worth it. Maybe you can keep pallets longer in a good swf but as a solo I'd recommend dropping them instead of going down and no I don't mean waiting at every pallet, that's clearly bad gameplay.

  4. 0:35 You can faintly see the red glow through the cracks in the wall. The reason you didn't see The Wraith was because the green barrels in front of you were obstructing and blocking your view so you couldn't see the killer move in the other direction that's why he was able to get the jump on you.

  5. The new graphics update and map updates are nice, but how about they actually fix real problems. Like the hitbox, and the garbage rank system. You would think after all these years they would put more effort into the game.


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