The 5 Most FUN Killers in Dead by Daylight

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Hey everyone, today we’re going through my top 5 favourite killers to play for fun. This is a very very subjective list, more so than usual for rankings like this as fun is one of those things that is going to vary from person to person in pretty major ways. Some people might find Wraith fun, some people might only enjoy face camping as Bubba and others might only like playing meta killers. So, this is just my list for who I think is fun, be sure to drop your own favourites down below. Hopefully with this video if you want to get a new killer I can try and recommend some you might enjoy.

This video is as of Chapter 18! The new perks, killer, survivor and map reworks have been released! We are now in 2021 : ) The 4.5.0 mid-chapter patch is out and we’re in the midst of the new UI and survivor movement.

Hope you enjoy!
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Music used from YouTube Audio Library: The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake

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Introduction 0:00
#5 Ghost Face 0:29
#4 Deathslinger 1:50
#3 Demogorgon 2:57
#2 Oni 3:59
#1 Myers 5:05
Outro 6:21


43 thoughts on “The 5 Most FUN Killers in Dead by Daylight”

  1. Hello dude. Idk if you have a plan for the finale of Killers VS Killers… But I did come up with a good way to evaluate them in the endgame.

    1. Capacity to stop Gen progress
    Is evaluated on the killers' teachable perks and power, if it's like the hag where you can trap some generators to stop survivors from working on it.

    2. Chase efficiency
    Evaluated on the killers' movement speed/power to quickly stop chases.

    3. Hunt efficiency
    Evaluated on the killers' stealth and tracking abilities /w traps or their own teachable perk, to quickly find survivors scattered across the map.

    4. Area Control
    Evaluated on the killers' power to control a sector(s) of the map with his/her speed, stealth, and power. Like hillbilly chainsaw sprinting quickly to get ground.

    5. Match Tally-Up
    Evaluated on how quickly the killer can end a game by using everything in its arsenal. Ex: Legion takes more time to overall, track, down, and kill survivors.
    1: Very slow, 2: Slow, 3: Average, 4: Mediocre, 5: Fast

    Total points on x/45

    Hope this helps if you don't have any ideas in mind, anyways, have a great day cya!

  2. Top Five And Why!
    1. Ghostface ( do I need an explanation to why he’s awesome)?
    2. Oni ( Big Boom Boom is amazing at snowballing)
    3. Myers ( JUMPSCARES)!
    4. Trapper ( Makes You Feel Big 🧠)
    5. Huntress ( You Better Get Ready To Record Some Epic Trick Shots)

  3. bruh this is gonna annoy EVERYONE, I imagine you're getting hundreds of comments about people saying "AaaA nooo that killer is/isn't fun

    ngl I agree that Ghostface is fun as hell but I haven't bought him yet

  4. As someone who’s been playing Demo since he released I agree with the reasons as to why he’s fun.

    But we also need to notice the learning curve Demo has, it does seem very simple at first, but learning what makes him effective and where he’s deadly is an enjoyable learning experience.

    The angles his shreds can guarantee a hit and learning when a shred is never worth it.

    All and all just learning demogorgon is a fun experience, as he has such a simplistic kit and power, it’s just learning the means that make him scarily effective is fun as hell.

  5. Wraith is the first killer I played. He is the reason why now I Always buy the pass because the first pass I payed was for a skin for him.
    So he will always be the funniest and the coolest killer for me <3

  6. Hello,
    New to DBD here. Thinking about getting the game on PSN, but can’t decide which edition to get, Stranger Things or Silent Hill.
    Based on ur vid, would you recommend ST edition over SH?
    I am more of a fan for the executioner and the school map looks more fun, but SH has less killers and survivors…
    Would be great to hear ur thoughts. Thank you!

  7. Out of these killers, I do like playing as Myers, especially when I has scratched or vanity mirror. It's hilarious when others run into me and then run back like "oh shit!"

    Have to say, when playing as a survivor, I absolutely hate vsing ghost Face. I'm usually the first one to get grabbed without environmental awareness


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