The 50 Biggest Issues with Dead by Daylight (& Ideas to fix them)

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Hey everyone, today we’re looking through the biggest issues in Dead by Daylight. I thought instead of being really negative and saying things I didn’t like I’d go the route of saying things I’m more unhappy with and think need some changes, I’ll also be suggesting some here and there. I’m gonna quick fire through these, I’ll segment them as I go. Of course, let me know if you think there’s any I missed, down below.

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I got some good input from members of my Discord for this video. Thanks to all who left a comment!

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Night Run Away – An Jone

Intro 0:00
Map issues 0:37
Killer sided issues 2:52
Survivor sided issues 4:19
Perk issues 5:21
Store, progression, and lore issues 6:30
Other issues 10:22
Outro 13:13


28 thoughts on “The 50 Biggest Issues with Dead by Daylight (& Ideas to fix them)”

  1. A new issue that’s definitely rising are the limited time cosmetics. The new skins from the Christmas event are only able to be purchased during the event and if you miss out, you’re out of luck until next year or if they ever decide to rerelease them. Not only that but if I remember correctly the older Christmas cosmetics that have been in the game for years at this point are going to become limited time during the Christmas events, and without a doubt they’ll do the same with the Lunar New Year cosmetics. It seems like a very predatory tactic to get people to spend money on pricey skins under the threat of missing out and that sets a pretty bad precedent.

  2. I really miss Hawkins Laboratory map design, it felt so different from the others, with only Lery's Memorial Institute being close to that unique map, I think we need more diverse maps like these that I mentioned, also I really want a New Mode with 2 Killers Vs 8 survivors with 10 generators, I think this should be at least interesting at the beginning, what do you think? 🤷🏻‍♂️✌️☯️

  3. I know you referenced it and I get it a decent amount of the money Behavior gets is from skins but seriously 10-15$ for a cool looking skin??? You can get 2-3 new characters with perks all for the price of a skin.

  4. Hillbilly needs better add-ons
    Most of them are just pretty damn useless especially the one addon that requires you to get blind to move 0.2 faster.
    And also his base kit chainsaw needs to be reverted cuz no one asked for this overheat mechanic change to hillbilly.
    nowadays you see people barely play as him because the developers changed him for completely no reason and it's just miserable.
    Like if you agree.

  5. i disagree on the first point big maps are good for Survivors like Mcmillan with the Mine because the killer cant pressure everyone if the maps get smaller there would not be enough space for suvs to like loop the killer wihtout pressuring the others suvs on gens

  6. I think dbd needs new game modes. Often times I find myself becoming progressively more frustrated every other ranked match that I have to swap to custom against bots to cool down. I’d like for a non competitive unrank mode, or at least a mini game mode where both killer and survivors have different objectives.

    One mini game mode I typed into a survey like two years ago was a VIP mode. Four survivors, One killer. One of the Four survivors is the VIP (Obsession), and all the other survivors must prevent that survivor from being hooked.

    The killer’s main objective is to hook the VIP. Survivors have unlimited firecrackers that they can restock on in lockers, and the killer can only “stun” survivors who aren’t the VIP for like five seconds. Non VIP survivors will still fall down as if they’re in the dying state but they will not be able to be picked up; they will pick themselves up or need a teammate to revive them. Maps are considerably smaller in this gamemode since it’s not so much hide and seek as it is more of chasing and saving. The game ends when either the killer manages to successfully hook the VIP, or if the game time elapses 5 minutes.

    This gamemode could be great to add variety into the game, destress without worrying about your MMR, can be SWF friendly, and help people practice killer blinds and stuns.

  7. You mean for perks, it needs a search bar. For keys it can be used a door to open and slam the door on the killer, causing a stun. To get rid of it, a breakable door. Also a key for opening chests faster. Also also having to change the background of the main/lobby

  8. Just imagine the new game modes:
    1. Survive: 10 s and 1 k
    -survive 10 minutes
    -after the 10 mins, the endgame starts
    -the killer can Mori when a surv is down (he can hook him if he wants)
    -hatch opens after 10 minutes (only 1 surv can escape)
    -no gen perks and mori offerings
    "Want to get out of here? hide for once"

    2. Classic extended: 8 s vs 2 k
    -doble sized map
    -10 gens, 4 exit gates and 2 hatchs
    -when there is 2 survs, the hatchs opens (both can escape in one hatch)
    "Let's make this last longer"

    3. Face the killer: 5 s vs 1 k
    -no gen and exit perks
    -New ways to fight the killer
    -only 2 buildings of the map available
    -killer has a big health bar
    -survivor dies even he is downed by the 3rd time
    -killers can't interact with a downed survivor
    -In 1v1 survivor deals more damage but if he is downed, he dies
    -if all survs are down, they get unbreakable
    "7 minutes is all i can spare to play with you"

    4. Team deathmatch v1: 4 s and 1 k vs 4 s and 1 k
    -small sized map
    -no gen, exit and totem perks
    -get more kills than the enemy team
    -7 minutes
    -if the killer dies, a teammate becames the killer (when he wants or dies) and he becames a survivor (v1 exclusive)
    -all the team can see if an enemy is inactive
    -survivor death time when he is downed is really limited but it restores after get up (inmediatly dies at the 3rd time)
    "Know your enemy"

    5. Team deathmatch v2: 4 s vs 4 s or 4 k vs 4 k
    -same rules as v1 (except the exclusive one)
    -only 2 buildings or parts of the map available (v2 exclusive)
    "Know your friends"

    5. Deathmatch: 10 s or 10 k
    -fight anyone you see
    -3 lifes
    -small sized map
    "Slay all"

    (Sorry, to much words)

  9. they should remove 90 % of all perks. We need fewer and more meaningful perks. Its btw mutch easier to balance
    2nd they should balance this game arround casual player, NOT high sweaty tryhards. Back to the roots, more hide and seek.

  10. I personally think maps are decently sized. Smaller maps equal higher death rates, not to mention the increased likelihood of gates spawning near each other.

  11. I just want to be able to play killer at my skill level – I'm a more experienced survivor and main survivor, but I wanna play killer. Buuuuuuuuut DBD wants to pair up my lil level 4 Deathslinger with basic perks [cough cough DMS and fucking Brutal Strength] with all these high pristege seal team 6 mofos. Seriously. Fix that. That's all I want.

    I tried to practice him with bots but the bots are like??? Oddly good at predicting Deathslinger vs Predicting me practicing Pig. I don't want to be stressed trying to practice a new killer.

  12. I thought of that breakable walls get replaced by breakable Vault Windows. Because some breakable walls may break an infinite loop but the survivor can still loop this 3 or 5 times. But when the killer is able to break the vault possibility it would be way better and more rewarding for the time it needs for the break animation

  13. Great video overall, however you didn't mention what is the biggest problem (in my opinion): depipping. You said something about the game not being sure if it's competitive or casual and I think that the ranking (or grades) system falls into that. It's essentially just supposed to be a bloodpoints reward for playing the game a lot, but it's really frustrating when you're facing really annoying strategies such as camping, tunneling or slugging and having to depip because of that when you have no control over it. It's adding salt to the wound more than anything else and it's just unnecessary.


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