The Bad Player Paradox – Dead by Daylight

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45 thoughts on “The Bad Player Paradox – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Every time I get recommended one of your videos and I watch it you are either being toxic to other players or complaining about something petty. I wish you would stop showing up in my suggested list..

  2. For years I’ve heard creators complain about DBD not having a clear win con. Now the devs come out and say clearly what it is. Survive/kill. The pt isn’t lost on me but I’m sorry your not a better football team if you get tons of yrds and still lose. iDing your win condi and achieving it makes a player good everything else is just for funsies

  3. should noed even be a perk? at low levels it feels like getting robbed and it makes me and my shitter friends just frustrated that we couldnt find the totem glued to the roof on midwich

  4. The reverse is also true. If you run the killer for 4 gens then get facecamped to death and die on first hook, the game thinks you did terribly. If you sit in a bush all game and do one gen and never get chased but you get out then the game thinks you did great.

  5. This works perfectly for survivor too. The gen fixing, bad in chase, hiding with spine chill guys will survive more often than the 5000 hours, loves a chase, saves at any cost player. Literally one is making the other's escape possible. Its really a team game and it should have team mmr

  6. I actually do leave hook when exit gates are 99d and let all 4 escape because it feels so scummy to camp I would rather be punished for playing poorly than camp and maybe get a 2k

  7. This is the exact same thing for survivor as well, the god tier player who looped the killer for 5 gens finally gets downed and then camped while the rank 20 meg who immediately hides in a locker as soon as she hears the heartbeat every single time and spends the last two generators in the corner of the map gets out for free.

  8. 'Chuck E. Cheese Imaginary Points' is probably the best description for DBD's MMR. It's a game that's not balanced enough for it to be competitive, but yet has an mmr system and no specific competitive mode.

  9. This is really true, I’ve always had situations where I do a lot of gens and get chased a lot but then I die at the end game and my rank 20 meg teammate that didn’t do anything escapes easily.

  10. This MMR system is really getting on my nerves. Every game my teammates don't do a single generator, I end up 0-100 2 or 3 of them, and they all die trying to save one person on the hook. Every. Single. Game. I just started running Left Behind because I haven't seen a single game actually finish all five generators in nearly 20 games. And because my team doesn't ever bother touching a generator, I end up dying because of being the last person alive, which means my MMR gets worse and I just get to keep dealing with the same players that have no idea what they were doing. This wasn't a problem before MMR was released, sure, it happened occasionally, but occasionally was the key word. I'm not some gamer god or anything I just know that generators exist, which is apparently some sort of foreign knowledge nowadays.

  11. The MMR system is so bare bones that it’s actually painful, you should be rewarded in the same way that you’re rewarded bloodpoints, not just for kills, it literally makes no sense.

  12. about the part where survs just leave after only doing gens i can attest to this "teammate hooked? eh not gonna risk it bye guys" and thats normally the reason how do i know because if im not in a swf this is my reason

  13. we in swf never save vs camping bubba on first hook, it's boring, but it's better punish some players with minimum interaction in their games rather than go try fancy stuff

  14. Facecamping with bubba ironically has never been more incentivized. Put on bbq, beast of prey, distressing and lightborn. Chase and down 1 survivor then hook them and stare directly into their souls.

    Then open up a web tab on firefox or some shit, resize it so you can still see the survivor and read reddit or watch youtube. Congrats now you can farm bp and increase your mmr at the same time all while doing something else, without having to play the game. Bubba is lowkey a better bp farmer than doctor now and its disgusting.

  15. Hiding in a bush wasn’t even fun my first 100 hours. I’ve always enjoyed interacting with the killer. Although, hiding in a bush after looping the killer and hiding as they walk by and you slink off is fun. But I usually try to restart the chase shortly after.

  16. Loop the killer for almost all gens, killer leaves me goes for another person downs and camps them. I go and save them, I die they get out. MMR thinks I did poorly so I face worse killers. Play against the killer who I loop for almost all gens goes for another person downs and camps them. I go and save them, I die they get out. MMR thinks I did poorly so I face worse killers. This is the current cycle I am in, if I just do gens and leave I would probably face better killers but at the same time it isn’t fun for me. So not sure what to do.

  17. “[Talking about doing gens] I don’t know who these people are or why they’re playing multiplayer games at that point.”

    Meanwhile, is playing Dead by Daylight, a multiplayer game centred around teamwork, specifically balancing actually doing the objectives with keeping the Killer distracted.

    Yeah. What freaks. Actually playing the game instead of perpetually keeping the round at 5 gens.

  18. I heavily disagree with this line of reasoning.

    The game is not rewarding bad gameplay more than good gameplay.

    Early in the video, you stated that you are aiming for maximum hooks, right?

    Well, kills make the entity a lot happier than hooks do. In short – if your playstyle gets you a lot of hooks but not a lot of kills, then your playstyle is “bad”.

    The MMR system is not designed to measure skill. It is designed to measure your ability to kill people. If you are purposely choosing a playstyle that means you kill less people, of course the system is going to rate you lower.

    I do not think this system is as flawed as you seem to. I remember some time ago a debate between Tru and many other DBD youtubers about Hooks v Kills, and honestly it seemed like Kills was the better victory condition.
    So why not now?

  19. Most games I don't even survive for the sake of having more fun. MOST of my games are exactly how Scott described them. It's over in 5 mins and I haven't had more than 30 seconds of interaction with the killer. I'd much rather go back out to save a team mate while I'm on death hook than just leaving the trial.

  20. Hard slugging with infectious while also tunneling Jill (probably tunneled Meg earlier too), then insta tunneling Feng…
    And according to what I've seen in this (and another vid b4) video, most likely camped/slugged/tunneled as huntress… wouldn't get 4k without this bullshit, one kill at most if they made a mistake, but no more than that.

    Dude stfu and uninstall already, one less trash in the game = game's a bit more healthy.


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